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Iroquois JAMS

To all the exhibitors in the BOB ring at the Iroquois Labrador Retriever Club's Specialty in Wine Country on Saturday, Sept 26: there were two JAMS to be awarded by the judge. However, the ring steward could not find the ribbons and told the judge that there were none. Ten minutes after the dogs had left the ring, the steward found the ribbons in the bottom of her box. She brought them to me and apologized but, by then, the judge had signed his book and turned it in. I apologize for this mix up and for the disappointment that I'm sure it caused. It was a beautiful entry and I would have awarded a JAM to every dog in the ring!

Re: Iroquois JAMS

Only 2 JAMS for such a large entry??

Re: Iroquois JAMS

Well, the ring steward shouldn't have had to be looking for the ribbons - that's the job of the club's trophy person, who generally gets the ribbons, arranges them appropriately, and makes sure they are available when needed. Shouldn't have happened this way.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

don't know the 'proper' process for this, but any way you look at it, it's a darn shame.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

Well said, Carol. It's a shame it happened, but sometimes mistakes are made.
Things happen, don't get discouraged. I'm sure many have learned from this experience and it's not likely to happen again!
Thank you for posting.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

"To ere is human.
To forgive devine."

It obviously was a very innocent mistake, that can't be taken back.

It's time to drop it and move on.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

Frankly, the showchair and the president of the club should have doubled checked that the ring steward was completely prepared for the day. It's Huron River next year!

Re: Iroquois JAMS

We'll miss you--NOT!!!!!!

Re: Iroquois JAMS

What wasn't missing was the gorgeous table of raffle goodies, incredible spread of delectable food, great trophies, ducks and slates and unlimited kindness from this small but mighty club as it graciously hosted owners, handlers and breeders of over 170 gorgeous Labradors. Sad that a few have to leave an ugly impression of an incredibly wonderful day. I am proud to be a member of this club and if this group of perfectly imperfect lab-lovers are not for you then it is tragically your loss.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

I don't understand why ribbons had to be found to award JAMs - some events have lovely big ribbons and prizes whereas others have flat ribbons and nothing more. A point is still a point, with or without the prizes that come with them. Earning a JAM has nothing to do with receiving a ribbon and I don't know why two dogs could not have been awarded JAMs without receiving a ribbon right then and there - the point is the recognition, not the ribbon - the ribbons could have been mailed to them if it was that important.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

The judge can't award them if he is not aware that they exist.
Just a snafu that I'm sure won't happen again next year.

Re: Iroquois JAMS

Regardless as to the who, what, where, when and why's an explanation has been given and an apology made publically. What more do you guys want from them? Sh*t happens, perhaps instead of sitting on the sidelines complaining about what was wrong you could spend some time on a more positive note and volunteer to help. Maybe make that your personal duty to be sure the ribbons are all in the right place.

To the club many, many of us had a great time, the hospitality was second to none and the entries were beautiful! Kudos to all involved.


Re: Iroquois JAMS

Enough people ! For the few people that seem to be hung up on a missing ribbon, get over it ! MOVE ON !
When was the last time YOU worked at your Lab Club specialty let alone an All Breed Club show ? There is alot of work that goes on throughout the YEAR to put on a show, if a missing JAM ribbon is all that happened that is GREAT !
For the show it WAS EXCELLENT ! the weather was crisp, sunny, food excellent, trophies excellent ( I love my ducks !) judging excellent.
My Hat's off to all the members that worked so hard throughout the year to put on this show ! To the few complainers - Grow up !

Re: Iroquois JAMS

I totally agree, grow up, next time get out and help instead of complaining.