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Can dog with a CD be entered in Novice B (AKC)?

Can a dog who has earned its CD title still compete in the Novice B obedience class? The most recent AKC rulebook seems vague in this regard though I thought there used to be a rule that you couldn't continue to exhibit in that class if you had received a qualifying score in Open or after so many days had passed since the dog earned its third qualifying leg towards its CD. I'm hoping an obedience guru out there can answer this. Thanks.

Re: Can dog with a CD be entered in Novice B (AKC)?

If you and your dog earn a CD from the Novice A class, you may continue to compete in Novice A for 60 days. After 60 days of earning your CD in Novice A, you may then compete in Novice B until either: 1. You earn a High In Trial, or 2. You earn a qualifying score in Open.

If you and your dog earn a CD from the Novice B classes, you may continue to compete in Novice B until you win a High In Trial from the Novice class or earn a qualifying score in Open.


Re: Can dog with a CD be entered in Novice B (AKC)?

Things in the AKC rule book aren't where I expect them to be. I did finally find the section you are referring to and now understand that part.

On a slightly related note, can someone enter their dog in both Novice B and and Open (A or B) class at the same trial? Once again, I couldn't find specific reference in the rule book regarding this. Someone mentioned that if the dog hadn't yet earned a qualifying Open leg that you could indeed enter both Novice and Open but that seems a bit odd to me.

Re: Can dog with a CD be entered in Novice B (AKC)?

If I recall, Novice A is for handlers who have never titled in obedience before. Once you have earned a CD, you must show in Novice B.


Re: Can dog with a CD be entered in Novice B (AKC)?

Yes, Novice A is for handlers who have never titled an obedience dog before. The original question had to do with how long someone might be able to continue showing in Novice.