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Iroquois Club

A big thank-you to the Iroquois club for organizing another great specialty. You always make us feel so welcome. Thank-you for the wonderful lunch as well, it's greatly appreciated. Congratulations to all the winners!

Re: Iroquois Club

I'll second that! If you went away hungry, it was your own fault.

Well done. It was a fun day.

Re: Iroquois Club

I also agree!! It was a great show and a pleasure for me to meet so many wonderful and interesting people. Thank you all for sharing so much knowledge with me. I appreciate it more than you know!

Re: Iroquois Club

And for the JAMS, they were..., oh no I forgot, they lost the ribbons.

Re: Iroquois Club

Another fine moment for the ILRC. Add it to the list!

Re: Iroquois Club

Are the results up anywhere? TIA

Re: Iroquois Club

To BB and LOL. How sad that you can only sit on the sidelines and cast dispersions at people who have worked very hard to give you 4 days of majors.
I hope that some day you will see the good in people no matter who they are, we are all different and we need to respect that, our dogs do .
Shame on you for this bad behavior.

Re: Iroquois Club

Thank you to all the kind people who complimented us on our show. Like anyone hosting an event we just hoped our guests would feel welcome and have a good time. Organizing the hospitality was fun--it turned out to be a beautiful day spent with good friends both old and new and our wonderful Labradors.

Re: Iroquois Club

Yes, it was a great time. Hospitality was at it's best , and this Club worked hard on every aspect of the show, I for one think it showed and I appreciate it ! Thank You to all , I had a great time.