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bladder infection

Found out some great news today, After about $2000 in stud fees, shipping, progesterone test and AI's My girl is pregnant by a sonogram at 25 days. However the vet said she looks to have a bladder infection. She was put on Simplicef for 10 days. I really hate giving her any prescription dugs at this stage. I saw about the cran caps. Are this ok for a preg girl? Any other help or if I should be worried about the pups for anything would be great to know also. TIA

Re: bladder infection

Did you get a urine sample? Look into D-Mannose. It is used by some for UTI's in humans and pets.

Re: bladder infection

Pregnant girl
Found out some great news today, After about $2000 in stud fees, shipping, progesterone test and AI's My girl is pregnant by a sonogram at 25 days. However the vet said she looks to have a bladder infection. She was put on Simplicef for 10 days. I really hate giving her any prescription dugs at this stage. I saw about the cran caps. Are this ok for a preg girl? Any other help or if I should be worried about the pups for anything would be great to know also. TIA

You also want to get rid of the UTI as they can cause premature labour. Make sure the antibiotic is safe for a pregnant bitch. She'll be fine once rid of the UTI.

Check with your vet please. Asking on the board will get you some different replies unless it is a vet familiar with UTI's for a bitch in whelp.

Re: bladder infection

Oh yes she was at the vet today and she said that these meds were safe for her. I guess I was more worried about if the cran caps were ok for her and if anyone has had any problems with a bladder infection while bred.

Re: bladder infection

My girl was put on simplicef by her repro vet right after a surgical AI. I had also spoken with Hutch who said it was safe.

I do use crancaps to get rid of UTIs but have never had a UTI in a pregnant bitch.

I would think it would be safe but you should ask this question of your vet, repro vet or a holistic vet.

I would also test her urine to confirm the UTI before putting her on anything.

Re: bladder infection

My girl was put on simplicef by her repro vet right after a surgical AI. I had also spoken with Hutch who said it was safe.

I do use crancaps to get rid of UTIs but have never had a UTI in a pregnant bitch.

I would think it would be safe but you should ask this question of your vet, repro vet or a holistic vet.

I would also test her urine to confirm the UTI before putting her on anything.

How do you test her urine, do you mean have the vet re-test it? It would be a good idea to test it again when antibiotics are finished to be sure it's gone.

The UTI was already diagnosed by the OP's vet that dispensed Simplicef. That's the only way I know of to confirm a UTI, by urinalysis & growing a culture . The antibiotic is determined by the bacteria that grows, then using what is considered safe for a pregnant bitch. As far as I know, Simplicef is a cephlasporin, the same family of antibiotics as cephalexin. I had a non-pregnant girl on it once It wasn't inexpensive from what I recall but it's given only once a day to make our lives easier and pocketbooks lighter than cephalexin.

You might want to double check with your vet about the safety during whelp. You have the right to ask, just to be sure. I understand your worries with a prego girl.

Re: bladder infection

From the OPs original post it says the vet suspected a bladder infection from what was seen on the ultrasound. No mention of a urinalysis.

I don't see any mention of culture/sensitivity to pinpoint bacteria either.

I have also never heard of using simplicef for UTIs. If the UTI was not diagnosed and the bacteria type determined the simplicef may not even be the right med.

I would take a sample into the vet caught first thing in a.m. prior to food or water and in mid stream.

If in fact there is truly a UTI I agree with you to retest urine 3-5 days after meds are finished.