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Purina Labrador EIC Article

I recently got a Purina Pro Club Labrador Retriever Update in the mail, and the main article is "Selective Breeding Can Prevent Producing EIC-Affected Dogs". This article answered pretty much all of the questions I have had or seen asked on this forum. Cleared up a few of my own misconceptions too. Very clear, well written, scientifically based yet easy to understand. I can't seem to find it online anywhere - does anyone know where to find it? I have e-mailed Purina to see if there is a copy the general public can access. I'll let you know what I find out.

Re: Purina Labrador EIC Article

Hi Nancy,

I have sent an email to my boss at Purina in regards to the EIC article in the LR Update sent out by Purina ProClub to find out if it is available online or will be available through the ProClub website.

I am also going to see if I can get the LR Update so that we have it available at our Purina booth at the National.

Thanks for bringing this is an excellent article.

Marci Sale
Purina Breeder Enthusiast Group

Re: Purina Labrador EIC Article

Thank you! It really is a must-read before any other discussions on EIC take place.

Re: Purina Labrador EIC Article

I plan to make copies of this article to give to puppy buyers who are confused by the inheritance mode. I use only EIC tested dogs/bitches, sometimes one is a carrier, always one is clear; some folks are scared by one parent being a CARRIER bred to a clear...this should help them understand ( some folks doubt what you tell them, so this published article will show them I'm not fibbing! ) the folks looking for a hunting dog, usually are familiar with it.
Glad to have this helpful resource!