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Breeder Judges and Sweeps Lists are ready

I have compiled lists for labrador breeder judges, with their kennel name, email, web address, lists of other breeds they can judge, including notations for breeds they are provisional for.

Additionally, I have a list of breeders who emailed me their interest in judging matches or sweeps. Please keep mailing your interest, and I will add you as I know of you.

Both lists are on excel spreadsheets. Jill will add them to this web page as soon as she gets a chance. If anyone would like a copy emailed to them in the mean time, just send me and email and I will send them right off.

Please note: I compiled the breeder judges list by going through the AKC judges directory. If there are any errors or omissions, please let me know, and they will be corrected immediately.



Re: Breeder Judges and Sweeps Lists are ready

This is great! And to think that you this did at the same time you were getting back to back group placements on your sussex boy. Good job all the way around.