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Michael Vick

So Nike reinstated Michael Vick as spokesperson in ads.
no more Nike for me.

Re: Michael Vick

same here. And I will send them a letter telling them why!

Re: Michael Vick

He made a mistake and paid for it.

Everything Nike here!

Re: Michael Vick

Whatever he paid, was not enough

Re: Michael Vick

I better sale my Nike stocks before that letter gets there.

Re: Michael Vick

He won't have paid for his crimes until he is put in a fighting ring with an angry Mike Tyson on steroids, hung by the neck, cut down, partially drowned and then electrocuted. That is what his dogs went through after all.

Re: Michael Vick

Alot of others feel differently then you, also probably feel you should hold onto your stocks. "Heaven only knows, you want to always stick with "a winner""

Re: Michael Vick

Though shall not judge!!!!!!!
He only has one person to answer to......."God"

It is not our job to judge one another, everyone has made mistakes in
there lives, some are just bigger that others!

Re: Michael Vick

Michael Vick did "pay for his crime" and I reluctantly agree has the right to make a living, even as an overpaid & overindulged football player. But that Nike would reinstate him as a spokesperson?? Come on... some things are morally unforgivable and what he did to those dogs, over a lengthy period of time, with full knowledge and participation, means that I will no longer buy their products or any other that he endorses. Or watch his games.

Re: Michael Vick

We are not here to abuse God's creation. Punishment has 2 effects: one over the one that gets punished, and another one over the rest that watch.

Re: Michael Vick

If he could make more money with dog fighting than football do you think he is really going to stop. I have big doubts its over. Under the radar for a while. Anyone that can let those thing happen to animals will never be forgiven in my book. He sick. But if you like football more, go ahead.

Re: Michael Vick

I also sent a response to Nike. Not going to buy.
Hate to hear this.

Re: Michael Vick

Dog fighting has existed for many, many years. For centuries it has been part of the social fabric of man's cruelty and vice. What Micheal Vick did was wrong and he will always be atoning. But his stature in the public eye has made dog fighting an ugly reality that cannot be ignored. The more 'face' time Vick gets as a celebrity the more our social conscience demands that we do everything in our power to stop this horrible 'sport' of dog fighting. Buy Nike products and hope that Micheal Vick can still be a football star. It's not about him getting rewarded. It's about holding the human race responsible for it's crimes. Tools come and go-we have to take advantage of what we get, not just throw stones.

Re: Michael Vick

I agree and going right now to Nike Town, on 57th?

Re: Michael Vick

I agree that Michael Vick should be allowed to make a living but somehow I think that he is sorry that he got caught not sorry for what he did...

Re: Michael Vick

To me, Michael Vick will always be a creep. If a team thinks he is so talented they are willing to overlook that, so be it. What I find really scary is that Nike has made a calculated business decision, apparently based on the premise that Vick's image will sell sneakers. Think about it.

Re: Michael Vick - Check your facts

From USA Today Oct 1

NEW YORK--Nike is not signing a new endorsement deal with former spokesman Michael Vick of the Philadelphia Eagles, spokesman KeJuan Wilkins said on Thursday.

Nike dumped Vick as an endorser and pulled his products from retail stores in 2007 after the ex-Atlanta Falcons quarterback was charged with bankrolling and running a dogfighting ring.

One of Vick's agents, Mike Principe, announced during the SBJ/SBD Relay Worldwide Sports Sponsorship Symposium here Wednesday that the newly-signed Eagles QB had signed a new deal with the Swoosh. But Nike's Wilkins said that wasn't so.

"Nike does not have a contractual relationship with Michael Vick. We have agreed to supply product to Michael Vick as we do a number of athletes who are not under contract with Nike," the company said in a statement.

Vick's personal agent, Joel Segal, told SportsBusiness Journal on Wednesday that the quarterback was "excited to be part of the Nike team again."

Darren Rovell, CNBC's sports business reporter, first reported the news. Rovell Tweeted Wednesday: "Nike spokesman says Swoosh doesn't have contract with Vick. Just giving him free product. I knew this was all bogus."

Nike was the last sponsor to drop Vick as an endorser after he was indicted on dogfighting charges in 2007. The company pulled the release of Vick's fifth signature Nike shoe, the Zoom Vick V, which would have retailed for $100. -- Michael McCarthy

Re: Michael Vick - Check your facts

Good to get the facts! The agents can "spin" almost anything these days!

Re: Michael Vick

No one will keep me from my Nike's. How silly to not buy their shoes for that LOL!

Re: Michael Vick

Thanks. I was finding it hard to believe that Nike has so many customers that are into dog fighting. I was pretty sure they have more customers who love dogs.

Re: Michael Vick

I am sure that you can't really think that if i buy Nike that means I am into dog fighting?

Re: Michael Vick

Vick didn't"happen to make a mistake," he happens to be and always will be sadistic and inhumane.This is not a mistake but his way of life...and no prison sentence can deprogram or rehabilitate him.He did not pick someone's pocket or break into someone's house....he stood over,supported,orchestrated,bet on,slowly killed poor innocent dogs whose only desire in life is to love unconditionally....a psychologically healthy human could not stand and watch two dogs fighting,bleeding,screaming in agony and not want to pull the two dogs apart! it is intinctual and innate to want to break up two dogs fighting......most serial killers were animal abusers.

Re: Michael Vick

Vick didn't"happen to make a mistake," he happens to be and always will be sadistic and inhumane.This is not a mistake but his way of life...and no prison sentence can deprogram or rehabilitate him.He did not pick someone's pocket or break into someone's house....he stood over,supported,orchestrated,bet on,slowly killed poor innocent dogs whose only desire in life is to love unconditionally....a psychologically healthy human could not stand and watch two dogs fighting,bleeding,screaming in agony and not want to pull the two dogs apart! it is intinctual and innate to want to break up two dogs fighting......most serial killers were animal abusers.

Looks like you have experience and actually been in one of this things.

Re: Michael Vick

What do you mean"this things?" do not you mean to say,"these things" since "things" is plural? I quess,I lost your point of view when I got snarled in your web of grammatical errors.What exactly was your point?

Re: Michael Vick

Ivana, Don't you have a TV? A radio? A newspaper or magazine? You should get something so you know what is going on in the world.