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First heat

I have an 11 month old girl that hasn't had her first season yet. I'm a little concerned, because I'm new to this and she's one of 2 foundation bitches to my breeding program. I know every female is different depending on their bloodlines and whatnot, but to rest my concerns-can you all be so kind as to tell me when your girls had their first heats? When should I start to get really worried? And the girls who started late...did they stay on longer cycles? Just curious, TIA

Re: First heat

I have a bitch that is 15 months and has not come into heat. I dont even worry about it. I have had them come in as early as 8 months and as late as almost 2 years. Has no bearing on cycles or anything else.

Re: First heat

Had one came in 18 months. Went on to have normal 6/7 mo cycles and had 3 litters of 7-9 pups with no problems.

Re: First heat

Over many years of breeding I've only had one female come into heat at eight months, and that took me by surprise. 13 months is probably the norm.

Re: First heat

I have had them come in from 8 months to 20 months. I was at a seminar and it was said that bitches that don't get sufficient sun light can have seasons very far apart.

Re: First heat

Genetics have alot to do with it. My girls have there first heat anywhere between 9-10.5 months like clockwork. Outcrossed one of my girls, and her daughter came in at 6 months old. That took me by surprise. I also bought a girl from completely different lines and she is 17 months old and has not had her first heat yet. Basically, you will find a wide range in the population. Also, once they have had 2 heats, they are all predominately having about 6-7.5 months between there heat cycles. I hope this helps.

Re: First heat

Sounds good, thank you for all your responses.