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Excited for no reason.....
Got real excited seeing Caffu, since he appears BROWN, until I looked at the pedigree and saw that that was impossible, lol!

Not nice getting chocolate addicted folks hope up!

Re: Excited for no reason.....

Why do I think you need to make an appointment with your ophthalmologist?

Re: Excited for no reason.....

Why do I think you need to make an appointment with your ophthalmologist?

oh, come on. if you didn't know the pedigree, you wouldn't think he was brown? Nice boy, though.

Re: Excited for no reason.....


Re: Excited for no reason.....

Hes just a bit sunburnt, which makes his belly brown - but hes definitely black!

Re: Excited for no reason.....

Does not look like a chocolate to me at all, just a black getting ready to blow coat. There are alot of nice chocolate out there right now. Go searching.

Re: Excited for no reason.....

He looks like a dark chocolate on my screen and I just visited the optometrist this week! You're not crazy!