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Dream Catcher

I've been looking all over for Tabathas Dream Catcher offspring and grand kids, no luck.
Anybody can help me?

Re: Dream Catcher

Did you email Carol Heidl?

Re: Dream Catcher

Yeah, try Carol Heidl

The only offspring that I can think of is: Tabatha's Belquest Esteem

Re: Dream Catcher

This is a very good question. She is/was a beautiful girl, BOB many times in specialties, I just google her and she was a winner.

Re: Dream Catcher

Do a search on the OFA website.

Re: Dream Catcher

Do a search on the OFA website.

Did it and nothing came up.
I will look up for Tabathas Belquest Esteem, it's only one but it's a start.

Re: Dream Catcher

One more to check out - Tabatha's Belquest Dreamy

Re: Dream Catcher

Esteem is in Mexico but there's something wrong with her website.
Dreamy, nothing.

Re: Dream Catcher

Contact Carol directly.

Re: Dream Catcher

Tabatha's Dream Catcher is on the OFA website, but only if you look for "Tabatha's" as opposed to "Tabathas". If you don't put the apostrophe in the first name, nothing will come up. For what it is worth, no progeny are shown, but there are some full and half siblings listed. I have noticed that the OFA can be very tricky with name punctuation. Sometimes you have to try punctuation variations, even if your version of the name's spelling might be correct, because the person inputing the data record punctuated the name differently.

Re: Dream Catcher

No progeny either on the Tabathas web site either, try Beqluest.