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January vs. June

In your experience, is it much more difficult to find good homes for well bred puppies in the cold winter months? I live in the great Northeast and am about to breed my girl, but I'm a bit nervous bout the timing. Feedback from personal experience would be greatly appreciated.


Re: January vs. June

but availability of desired color seem to matter to pet families. Maybe late Summer when they are getting ready for kids to go back to school, or teacher moms going back to work may not be best time, but other than that, doesn't seem to matter what time of year other than their question, "do you have pale yellows?"

Re: January vs. June

I don't find it harder to place winter litters into good homes but I definitely find it harder to raise them then! No outside time and mom coming in and out of the house more frequently (because of extra food and water) with wet or muddy feet. It is just a lot harder for me.

Re: January vs. June

January is tough but if your puppies are going home in Feb. it is better. July is also tough due to vacations. So pick your poison.

Re: January vs. June

About 1/3 of my pet families are hunters. They much prefer a winter pup as they can have pup ready to do a little hunting or at least go along to absorb sights and sounds by autumn. I find summer pups the hardest, people want them ready to go home the day after school is out or they look elsewhere.

Winter pups are definitely harder to raise as a mentioned in previous posts.

Re: January vs. June

I don't find it harder to place winter litters into good homes but I definitely find it harder to raise them then! No outside time and mom coming in and out of the house more frequently (because of extra food and water) with wet or muddy feet. It is just a lot harder for me.

It's not about us, it's about the pups. No one said it's easy to raise a litter any time of year. What the OP asked, when is the best time to place well bred pups.

I did find it a little harder to place well bred pups in February in the past but it's changed. Summer is fine until mid-August when many people go on vacation. So, I've puppy sat for 7-10 days like alot of us have.

This year, I've seen so many requests for pups I couldn't fill anytime of year. If that continues, there will be no bad time of year. If.

Ask breeders in your area OP. They would know better.

As Bonnie said, choose yours. GL