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How would you respond to this email?

Just curious how different breeders would handle it.


I am looking for a yellow American Labrador Retriever puppy that as an adult
will be over 100 lbs with big ears.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

LOL, they must have Labrador confused with a Great Dane or Blood Hound, for that description sure doesn't fit a Lab.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Sounds like a hoax to me.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Tell him you breed Labradors, not F@#$%ing Donkeys LOL

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I would simply explain that you breed your dogs as representatives of the Labrador Retriever Standard and forward a link to that standard.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Sorry, can't help you. We breed the English style labs that you see in the show ring.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Have you looked in the specialty rings? I see a lot of dogs pushing 100 lbs.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I would talk about the standard and ask for a photo of like the dog they are describing to you.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Tell them they're confusing the size of a labrador with a Rottie, Rotties weigh over 100lbs or you can refer them to a kennel you know of with overdone labs

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I breed show Labradors. What you are looking for might be closer to the field type.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Love your response Olivia..made me laugh. We could call them "Donkadors."

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Depending on my mood, I would either ignor it and not repsond at all, OR I would say something to the effect of...

"As noted on our website, our goal is to breed Labs that meet the breed standard including height, weight, etc. The type of Lab you seem to be looking for does not fall under that category as it's much larger than a Lab should be. In my experience, most people who breed dogs out of standard, or much larger than the breed was intended, are not always the best breeders. Perhaps you'd be better off concentrating on finding an overall good lab, than one that is so big. Excessive size for a breed that was only meant to mature at 80 lbs for males and 65 for females lends to a greater chance of the dog having medical problems such as with the joints--an already common problem in the breed. Out of curiosity, why are you looking for these particular physical attributes?"

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Just curious how different breeders would handle it.


I am looking for a yellow American Labrador Retriever puppy that as an adult
will be over 100 lbs with big ears.

I'm sorry. I breed to the standard and that is far from it. I will be unable to place any of my pups with you as they don't fit what you're looking for. Good luck in your search.

Keep it short so there is no further discussion. This isn't the type of person you'll be able to educate. They want what they want.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

another bdr

Keep it short so there is no further discussion. This isn't the type of person you'll be able to educate. They want what they want.

I disagree. I have had many people e mail me with this type of description or worse. Most really do not even understand what they are describing. Nice e mails explaning what the Labrador is supposed to look like, directing them to your web site to further investigate goes a long way. So does being nice. These people that contact me end up being outstanding puppy people once educated.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Maybe, maybe not. If I'm in the mood to respond to such an inquiry at all, I feel I might as well at least try to educate. If they don't want to hear it, so be it, but it can't hurt. If they are open to learning something you'll have done a good thing by sharing your knowlege.

I have actually found that people are more open to someone trying to clarify things than someone who can come off sounding snobby by sending back a short email that just says we breed correct Labs.

Remember some questions may seem stupid to those of us who know better and have been in Labs for years, but we were all ignorent once before we learned from those who were willing to help us. And we still are ignorent in other aspects of life in which we know little about. My motto is always to treat others as I would want to be treated. Put yourself in the average pet owners shoes... Perspective is everything.


Re: How would you respond to this email?

Love your response Olivia..made me laugh. We could call them "Donkadors."

Please don't insult my donkeys!!!

I have 4 mini donkeys and their long ears are VERY cute.

Seriously though....When I get an e-mail like that I reply that a Lab is supposed to be a moderate dog that can sit in a duck boat and not sink it as they get out. I also refer them to the breed standard. I explain that although they can probably find a dog that large, most breeders I know and could refer them to are trying to breed to that standard.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I can't help but comment on Candyheart's response. I am new to the showing aspect of labradors, although our family has had a variety of breeds as pets, including labs over the last 30 years. Several years ago, I saw a beautiful yellow female lab sitting in someone's truck at the feed store. My heart went "oh yes"! and that led me in search of producing a dog that had a special look and personality. I have learned a LOT over the last few years, including the standard, terminology, and so much more. Thankfully, I have had some great people willing to explain and encourage.

People see what they like and may not describe it correctly, but thank heavens for those breeders with true "labrador hearts" who understand, as Candyheart put so well,

"we were all ignorant once before we learned from those who were willing to help us"

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Why respond at all? You actually have time to spend on this?

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Re: How would you respond to this email?

The fact that this person said he is looking for an American type of lab that weighs 100+ pounds, tells you that he knows the difference. Come on guys. That is probably what his heart dog looks or looked like. I see absolutely no reason why he should have to listen to an explanation of what that type of dog is not good enough. If that is what this guy wants, what is the problem? He doesn't need to be educated. He needs a dog like his old dog Trey.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Typical mature (3+ years old) "English type" show dog found in the American Specialty ring......... closer to 80 lbs or 100 lbs???

Re: How would you respond to this email?

There are a few possiblies...

He could be looking for a dog like one had and loved or like one he met and liked a lot. (That doesn't mean he wouldn't be open to a breed standard Lab if it was explained clearly and tastefully)

He could be lookig for a field dog to hunt with and thinks that's what he needs if he wants to hunt. (He could be educated, in this case, that breed standard labs that have a show, can also hunt.)

He may well be aware of the two types of Labs, but still not understand that one is not physicaly correct. (he may just be rawn to the look, but not realize that it isn't correct and what the possible benefits of having a correct lab would be.)

I still say, a little education can't hurt. If he doesn't want to hear it, fine. But you will never know if you don't try. You have nothing to lose, but the time it takes to repsond openly and respectfully. If that's too much for you, maybe you're in the wrong hobby.

At the end of the day, if he's dead set on an American Lab with big ears, that's his choice to make, but what can it hurt to offer adivce, personal experience, and info??? This is a chance to let someone make an educated choice between the two types instead of perhaps what could be a choice made of ignorence---NOT that it's nessacarily ignorent to choose an American, if that's truely what you want, but many do not know all the differences and therefor make uneducated decisions. The same can be said for those who prefer English type Labs, they may not be choosing them for the same reasons we do, maybe they just like how they look, but don't really understand the differences.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Why not respond? "Sorry, I breed the English style of Labradors as typically seen in the breed ring" and if you are familiar with the labrador community in your area, I am sure you can pass on some hunting breeder names. "Please feel free to check with XXX's Kennel as they tend to breed American labs, and might be able to help with your search"

No need to be mean or nasty about it. Takes 2 seconds.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Typical mature (3+ years old) "English type" show dog found in the American Specialty ring......... closer to 80 lbs or 100 lbs???


Maybe so, but I'd bet he would not have the BIG EARS

Re: How would you respond to this email?

"NOT that it's nessacarily ignorent to choose an American,"

Nice touch, that's funny!!!! :)

Are all the pups we breed specialty winning quality? I'm glad to find great pet homes for my longer legged, bigger eared pups.

To be honest, I'd respond the same way as if someone asked me to sell them a blocky headed thick coated, "English Lab". I'd ask them what type of temperament would work best for their family.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I had a serious inquiry today for an American Lab. Folks interested in this style dog want the look of a dog bred for Field Trials. We do have a local kennel that breeds for field trials, so after explaining the difference in temperament, I referred them on.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Thank you, Hopbrook, very nice. People just don't know, and why not be helpful with a short note to educate? "Don't respond and depending on my mood????" You very well may be harming your reputation.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Tell them to go find a Great Dane.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

I would send them my credit card number and bank account number with passwords and pin numbers because that is probably what they are going to ask for next - ROFL.

Re: How would you respond to this email?

We have had similar requests-mini Labs,Huge Labs,even blue eyes!I take a few minutes to attempt to educate the person.It's always worth the time,even if my eyes roll through the entire email/phone call!

Re: How would you respond to this email?

Agreed :)