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puppy food

I do not understand why any breeder would feed their puppies Purina Pro Plan chicken and rice formula when it contains corn,wheat and corn gluten meal. These ingredients have no nutritional value for the puppies,are allergens and are fillers.Why not feed super nutritionally? Every so often this PPP puppy food is mentioned on this forum and it seems to be popular with the breeders...why?

Re: puppy food

Because puppies do very well on it, it is popular, so it is fresh in the stores, and it is easy for puppy people to find. If you feed Holistic Natural Raw No Grain Organic Vegetable Brown Rice Granola food, do you really expect your puppy people to drive to the other side of the planet to find a 20 pound bag for 50 bucks? Ain't gonna happen. They'll end up with Old Roy from WalMart.

Re: puppy food

aren't there pet co. and pet smart type stores all across the country that puppy people can get puppy food that does not contain fillers(cheap ingredients?)If you keep a puppy from your litter what do you feed that puppy?

Re: puppy food

Pro Plan Puppy Chicken And Rice.

Re: puppy food

why pay per pound for fillers when you can pay for nutritional ingredients per pound?PPP puppy chow is $40 per large bag..that's alot of money for a bag of corn and wheat!

Re: puppy food

Pro Plan Puppy Chicken And Rice.

Re: puppy food

You feed YOUR puppies what YOU want, never mind what others are feeding their puppies, they feed what works for them, for years I was using pro plan chicken and rice or purina one chicken and rice (not the puppy formula) and I have always had nice healthy puppies that look good, just recently I switched all my dogs to Eukanuba so i'll feed what works for my dogs and you go ahead and feed what works for yours

Re: puppy food

Why would one sell a puppy to a nutritionally ignorant person? Isn't nutrition an intricate part of your breeding program?

Re: puppy food

Origen to my adults, Origen puppy to the puppies. My puppy buyers are buying Origen. My last litter is over 2 now, still on Origen. Everyone is super healthy and happy.

Re: puppy food

just imagine a healthier puppy!I think some people want to save money when it comes to puppy food.They are willing to sacrifice nutrition to save a buck!!

Re: puppy food are a breeder with integrity!

Re: puppy food

Why would one sell a puppy to a nutritionally ignorant person? Isn't nutrition an intricate part of your breeding program?

I don't require a masters in nutrition to buy a pup. I give them my recommendations, and hope they go by them. If not, it is out of my control. And, we all pretty much disagree on what is nutritious and what isn't. Ask 50 breeders, and you will get 50 different answers. We all think we are right...just like you do. But, really, the truth is, I am right!

Re: puppy food

mcs are a breeder with integrity!

I feed Pro Plan to my adults, Pro Plan puppy to the puppies. My puppy buyers are buying Pro Plan. My last litter is over 2 now, still on Pro Plan. Everyone is super healthy and happy.

Do I not have integrity?

Re: puppy food

mcs, what do you feed that is so wonderful? I too have fed Pro Plan, and I have found that puppy buyers do NOT keep their pups on Pro Plan either. I experiment with other foods and end up coming back to Pro Plan. Would love to find the majic food. Please advise.

Re: puppy food

I suppose PPPPC&R is better than Old Roy.You are right, most puppy people will buy what is less expensive because they do not read the ingredients.

Re: puppy food

I fed Canidae to my adults and to my puppies because of the ingredients(no corn,wheat,soy,by-products)and because they have a 44# bag for $44.They also have a breeder's program,buy 5 bags get one free and it is available across the country.I sent everyone home with a bag and The Whole Dog Journal's artcle on nutrious dog foods.Canidae always makes their top ten list.I have a litter now that I am going to feed Natura's Innova large breed is more expensive but my puppies are worth it.....super nutritious too! Now I have my adults on Merrick BG and they are doing well with the grain free.

Re: puppy food

I give all my puppy people a copy of The Whole Dog Journal's article on "why we feed our dogs nutritionally" and include their list of nutritious dog foods.The lecture does not come from me,it comes from scientists and nutritionists,dieticians etc..that have studied the nutritional value of ingredients found in our dog's food.Au contraire...I think we all agree on what are nutritional foods for our is the price of these foods that are the big deterant.

Re: puppy food

I'm a raw feeder so I think the Canidae you are feeding is crap

Some feed cheaper foods because it is all they can afford, but for the most part, we all feed what we think is best for our dogs.

Having said that, I do think nutrition is extremely important and I have refused homes that are not willing to feed what I am comfortable with. Doesn't mean I'm right, it just means they are my puppies and as such, I get to choose where they go.

Re: puppy food

fed Canidae...passed tense!I agree with you,Canidae has cheapened their ingredients.Maybe some people should not have litters if they must sacrifice good nutrition because they can not afford it.Health should be the #1 concern.

Re: puppy food

I agree with the raw feeder-I would not feed any kibble diet, I feed Honest Kitchen, also on the WDJ list of foods. Why do you feed a kibble diet if you are really that concerned with nutrition?
I could judge you in the same way you are judging other breeders-but I won't.
My husbands dog lived to be 17 on Alpo and white bread his whole life-that dog never had a health issue.
Health, like coat, temp etc. has a lot to do with genetics as well.

Re: puppy food

Just Breeder
I'm a raw feeder so I think the Canidae you are feeding is crap

Now that gave me a chuckle! I do think all this "I feed kibble 'X' so I'm better than you" is a bit odd. The Whole Dog Journal sells a bundle of magazines based on its ratings of commercial foods, but of course they say feeding natural is always the best way to go if you can swing it. I'd say the divide between raw and Innova or Canidae is greater than the difference between Innova and Pro Plan.

Although my adults eat some raw, I do happen to feed Pro Plan puppy. Why? Because they consistently do so well on it. I tried Innova some years ago - at that time they recommended the "Innova Adult" for Lab puppies, and had a lengthy treatise on their web page detailing why any company offering a puppy food labelled for "large breeds" was ripping you off with a marketing ploy! (Times change, eh?) Although my puppies did OK, they just do better on Pro Plan. But these are MY puppies, and I base my choices on education and personal experience. I don't expect all dogs to react the same way, and I don't expect all breeders to arrive at the same conclusions.

Vive la difference.

Re: puppy food

When looking at a food I'm more concerned with nutrients than ingredients. I'm guessing you do not hold a PhD in Nutrition? If not then how exactly are YOU qualified to make judgement calls on the quality of a food?

I have been in dogs over 20 years. In that time I have tried numerous different foods. I've done Eukanuba, Solid Gold, Chicken Soup, Nature's Variety and I've fed raw. What I have found is the results of feeding the so called "better" ingredients do not result in healthier dogs. I fed raw for 2 years and gave it an honest try. End results - it was far more work, more money and my dogs didn't look any better nor were they any healthier!

For the past two years I have been feeding Royal Canin. My dogs and litters look better than they ever have! Poops are more consistent than ever and small. You can choose to feed the foods with "better ingredients". I choose to feed the food that is made by a company that actually employes veterinarians with PhD's in nutrition and has published research!

Whole dog journal is OK. And yes, I own many copies of it. But, I see articles that do not have authors with credentials and I see very little published research in there. Just because someone is a veterinarian does not make them a nutritionist. And, I want to see the science - the reserach performed which brought them to their conclusion. Just because someone has a degree and writes an article or a book does not make it science. It's still just opinion if there is no peer reviewed research to support it.

You may think I'm a breeder lacking "integrity" due to my choice in food but hey that's your OPINION. And, we all know about opinions......

Re: puppy food

I have never understood why corn gets such a bad rap. My dogs do well on kibble with corn as an ingredient. I suspect it is like an urban legend. People start saying it is bad and the next thing you know, everyone KNOWS that is true. I don't buy it.

Re: puppy food

you have a nice way about you!I just do not want to make a mistake and not give my dogs,nutritionally,what they need.....vive la difference!! sentiments exactly!

Re: puppy food


Re: puppy food

Get off of yourself, just who do you think you are judging others for what they feed? As someone else mentioned I don't think you are a nutritionist. Also don't assume anyone is feeding what they feed because of cost, I feed what I feed because it WORKS for my dogs, they look good, nice and healthy. I've seen dogs fed raw diets and they are weedy and not healthy looking, just like people that are vegetarians don't look healthy, they are pale and don't have a healthy glow to them. So if you don't have anything constructive to say don't say anything.

fed Canidae...passed tense!I agree with you,Canidae has cheapened their ingredients.Maybe some people should not have litters if they must sacrifice good nutrition because they can not afford it.Health should be the #1 concern.

Re: puppy food

I give all my puppy people a copy of The Whole Dog Journal's article on "why we feed our dogs nutritionally" and include their list of nutritious dog foods.The lecture does not come from me,it comes from scientists and nutritionists,dieticians etc..that have studied the nutritional value of ingredients found in our dog's food.Au contraire...I think we all agree on what are nutritional foods for our is the price of these foods that are the big deterant.

No, this is not true. I believe that no one has done more studies on dog nutrition that Purina. I also am not big on "all natural" products. Usually that means no preservatives. Preservatives preserve food. Foods without preservatives spoil quickly. I would rather eat food that are preserved than spoiled. I also don't buy organic foods by choice. Organic means bugs. I would rather eat food without bugs. We are healthier and living longer than we ever have before any of these food preservatives were invented. Used to be we were lucky to make it to 50. Seems that what we eat is better off being fresh and not full of bacteria. So don't think that we all think like you do. None of us think like any of us! We all have our own opinions, based on life experience. Go ahead and feed your dogs whatever you want. But don't call animal control on people that are feeding a different brand of food, just because in your opinion it isn't good for them. Ever think your opinion might be wrong?

Re: puppy food

to all you food elitists out there ... one of the best breeders in the country feeds a generic food purchased at a grocery store... No need to be so sanctimonious ... you feed what you want and I'll feed what I want ...

Re: puppy food

Maybe you would like to post some pictures of how great your dogs look on that food.

And again, please do respond to why you are feeding "Kibble"? For someone so opinionated on what others feed please do tell us why you don't feed a better food all around?
By the way-what do you eat everyday?

Re: puppy food

I am healthy with rosey cheeks and I have not eaten an animal in 10 years....I am not sure what this has to do with puppies eating well? You do not have to eat meat to be healthy. Is that what you are saying??

Re: puppy food

I bet you are.

We would love to see pictures of your champs and see how healthy they look with your food.

Re: puppy food


Hi... My sentiments exactly!

FWI, I'm a huge advocate of large breed puppy food too by tried and true through the years companies.

We all know what too little and too much calcium can do. Calcium levels must be adjusted with calorie levels so that a puppy eating the proper number of calories is also eating the proper amount of calcium. This is one of the reasons you can't just give a large breed puppy less of a regular puppy food or more of an adult food. The caclium as well as the all important calcium-phosphorus ratio will likely be wrong for a growing large breed puppy.

Re: puppy food

I too would like to know why, if you are so health conscience, you are feeding dry kibble? Do you honestly think that is the best nutrition for your puppies or, just the easiest for you to plop in a food bowl.
Since you started this post, please do justify-I'm sure all the breeders you criticized would love to know..we're waiting.

Re: puppy food

I too would like to know why, if you are so health conscience, you are feeding dry kibble? Do you honestly think that is the best nutrition for your puppies or, just the easiest for you to plop in a food bowl.
Since you started this post, please do justify-I'm sure all the breeders you criticized would love to know..we're waiting.

Come on...don't be so hard on her. What can you expect from someone who hasn't had a cheeseburger in 10 years!?

Re: puppy food

Why does corn get such a bad rap. Urban legend or what? I understand that this article is on a dog food companies website, but written by someone who knows more than me. My dogs have done the best when there is corn present in there food.

Re: puppy food

Where are you mcs?

Don't be afraid to back up how you criticized all those breeders.

And we promise to eat a salad.

Re: puppy food

It is not surprising no response-really-how did mcs have the audacity to judge the integrity of breeders when he/she is opening a bag of dry kibble food and feeding that to his/her puppies. Most of the breeders here love their puppies and have fed accordingly.
MCS, you were so quick to lecture about nutrition and feeding the best-why won't you now respond and defend your position on kibble in general?
Not so easy being on the receiving end....

Re: puppy food

I am healthy with rosey cheeks and I have not eaten an animal in 10 years....I am not sure what this has to do with puppies eating well? You do not have to eat meat to be healthy. Is that what you are saying??

rosey cheeks or ROSEY CHICKEN?

Re: puppy food

you feed your dogs corn?

Re: puppy food

preservatives = = no chemicals,pesticides,hormones etc...."natural"

Re: puppy food

I never "plop" anything in a bowl for my dogs. Dinner time is an event at my house....we have grain free kibble by Merrick, cottage cheese, eggs, bananas,apples,yogurt,string beans,carrots,an occasional supervised beef marrow bone and norweigian salmon oil for their joints(natural anti-inflammatory)rich in omega 3 & 6. Plenty of fresh water the way...what do you big time breeders do with your dogs when they can not reproduce any more? the way... my puppies are born and raised in my house not in a cage or so called "kennel."

Re: puppy food

Oh my - you are certainly getting very high and mighty! All my "old dogs" live with me in the house, and my puppies are born and raised in my house as well. Feel better?

Re: puppy food

you are an anomaly!

Re: puppy food

you are an anomaly!

....and you are Mary Catherine Spillane with NO results for Labradors anywhere on the internet- no shows, no clearances no history.

So - I am MORE than curious in seeing a website with pictures of your dogs so we can see just how much better you think your dogs are over everyone else here that spend countless hours and countless amounts of money in raising them as healthy as possible. I would love to see a list of your dogs, bred by you, with all their clearances in place.

You come off all high and mighty, and yet you are a nobody putting down how others with years of experience raise their dogs. First it started with food, and now you are rebelling to those that have dished it back to you, replying with nonsense about how people are raising their puppies.

So Mary Catherine Spillane, what exactly would you like to share with us now that shows you are better than everyone here?

Re: puppy food

mcs, IN YOUR FACE!!!!!!

Re: puppy food

why do you even bother adding kibble to everything else you are feeding?
If you fed Honest kitchen all those ingred are there already, raw dehydrated. Is it the money you don't want to spend?
Sounds like you contradict yourself a little more each time you post..and, you sound very jealous of those you refer to as big time breeders. By the way, if you have a dog whose pedigree is worth the paper it is printed on my bet is they came from those so called big breeders who abuse their puppies by feeding them poison and then discard their senior dogs. If you even have a nice dog you should be thanking those big time breeders who came before you and I'm certain, will be here after you.
It is very nice that you want to do what is best for your dogs but if you are demeaning breeders for feeding PP or products with corn than you should reprimand yourself for even including dry kibble in your own dogs diets.
If you're going to preach nutrition practice what you preach.

Re: puppy food

preservatives = = no chemicals,pesticides,hormones etc...."natural"

Boctulism is natural. So is strycnine, e coli, and all the nasty little bacteria you get in foods that have no preservatives. Don't assume your way of thinking is the only way.

Re: puppy food

mcs.. get off your high horse, stop trashing everyone and acting like you are so superior. Proof is in the pudding and it sounds like you don't have any "puddin'"

Re: puppy food

No pudding!!!!

Who is this person anyway?, oh may be he is going to win everything at the National with his healthy dogs, then we will know.