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Electric Fencing

Living on Long Island I know nothing about Electric Fencing. Does it work like an electric collar
If it is I don't think it's a good idea for a 5 month old puppy. Love to hear any experienced advice

Re: Electric Fencing

I live on a farm out in the country in Virginia, and I have used the underground electric fence, and although it did work for the ones in the collars, it does not keep stuff from coming on your property, and they CAN get through it. After putting up chainlink fencing, I felt I was safe from escapees. I was correct for about 2 years. Then all of a sudden a bitch I have found it necessary to go under the fence. We did everything we could to stabilize the fence so she couldn't get under it. Well, I got tired of letting her out, and within 2 minutes she was running loose. We put 2 strands of the electric fence rope used for horses all around the inside of the chainlink fence. Not only do they not get out, but there is no pushing on the fenceline anymore either. As I add more play areas on my 18 acres, there will never be a dog in any runs before there is electric fence attached. It is easy to do, and well worth the piece of mind.

Re: Electric Fencing

I had a problem with 3 of my kids going over and under the fence, while chasing butterflies. I put a electric wire aeound the top and near the bottom and that resolved the problem.

I see no reason to not use it with a 5 month old pup. It the pup is smart, it will only hit it once or twice. It is an intermittent pulsation.

I highly d
ecommend it for those excape artists, and they are easy to put up.

If you get a fencer, Make sue you get one with the weed chopper. It's a nuiscance to have to keep the grass and weeds away from the wire, or it will ground out.

Re: Electric Fencing

Are you talking about invisible fence in which the dog wears a collar or electric fence.  Either way, 5 month old is ok.

Re: Electric Fencing

Have used both the original invisible fencing and the livestock electric fencing. The original invisible fencing out of CT was wonderful. I had it for 20 years and had Labs and a GSD on the system.. I trained the first dogs as adults but as the years passed, I found out it was easier and more successful training the 6 mos olds... I can honestly say each and every 6 month old I trained on the fence got a correction once and that was it...The older dogs tested the system more than the young ones...
Years before that we had a paddock that the dogs would jump over... We put the electric livestock fencing on the outside of it... Truthfully I did not like it even with the adults... The shock on the particular brand we bought was very strong..
Now we live on a very busy road and I have chain link. But eventually I will also add the IVF around the permimeter because we have 6 acres total and only 1 acre fenced.
The pros for the IVF is that even the best systems are less expensive than conventional fencing.. You can cover alot of ground and the dogs can get alot of exercise. The negatives are that SOME dogs cannot be trained on the IVF. And you HAVE to train them and always monitor them. Everything can still come in the perimeter so it's not the safest system to throw them out and leave them unsupervised.
I love my chainlink... While I still monitor them for digging underneath, climbing over, it's not a big issue and they can be outside alone more than the IVF.
to me the combination of the 2 works great depending on where you live and what habits your dogs have.

Re: Electric Fencing

Are you talking about invisible fence in which the dog wears a collar or electric fence.  Either way, 5 month old is ok.

Opps sorry I did mean the invisible fence. My friend just moved to CT and she's thinking of taking my puppy, but she knows nothing about her invisible fence system. One thing I never thought about was things coming in her yard . My last trip up there we had a small black bear come pay us a visit when we started up the grill

Re: Electric Fencing

I started with a physical fence. Then the dogs dug their way out. At last, I ordered a "Radio Fence" online. I used twist ties to string the wire to the physical fence. It was only buried at the gates. The dogs got collars, learned very quickly and it worked like a charm.

Re: Electric Fencing

I too live on Long Island and have had personal experience with Invisible Fence. It doesn't work and it is a substantial amount of money. If you would like more info - email me privately!!!!

Re: Electric Fencing

Yes, invisible fencing shocks dogs just as collars do. And most reputable invisible fencing companies do not recommend it for puppies.

How well does it work? If I had a dollar for the times I have rescued my neighbor's invisibly fenced ACD from the street, I would be wealthier and happier.

Beautiful hard fencing increases property values without punishing your puppy.

Re: Electric Fencing

I have had the invisible fence (Connecticut company) for 15 years and love it. I have trained my dogs and pups that come back for boarding (they have their own system at home as well) and none of them ever leave the boundaries.

I like to wait till my pups are 6 months to train them on it although the company says you can start earlier.

If someone moves into a place that already has the system the company will come out and train for you and show you the follow up training for a fee.

The shock does not hurt the dog, it scares them. I know it doesn't hurt because I have been shocked myself. I also know someone that put the collar around their own neck to check it before using it on their dogs.

I recommend the system and the company. Not all systems (those you can buy on line and in petsmart, etc.)are created equal.

I know someone that bought one on line (can't remember the name) and when I went to help them with it the brand new collar did not work.

I have coupons for $150 I give to my buyers that want to have the system installed. The company gives me free collar batteries for doing this.

If you are a breeder you can offer the coupons to your puppy buyers and get the batteries as well (once buyer puts the system in). Just call the company and talk to them.

If you have the system and buyers put it in so their pups can come back for boarding be sure the company codes the collar/system for the buyer to the same as your system.

There is another company in Albany, NY putting in the same invisible fence brand and they offer a nice discount to breeders. The Connecticut company may do the same. You would have to check. Back when I put mine in they did not offer a breeder discount (15 yrs ago).