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On the Subject of Vaccines

The flu vaccine thread made me wonder:

Which vaccines DO you recommend? How often?

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

Hi... For me, I am using the CIV for dogs that are in the field and showing. My puppy protocol is 7/10wks(they get 5way-no lepto) 13/16wks same plus 4way lepto. Rabies at 22wks +. Revaccinate for all at 1yr. Then core vaccines and rabies every 3yrs only. They do get 4way lepto 1x year because they are in the field and showing.

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

What is CIV? I understand lepto -- but not "4 way" & "5 way" -- what's included in it? TIA

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

CIV = Canine Influenza Virus, or dog flu
Vaccine is new from Schering Plough

Here is a link the the announcement from FDA in June.

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

What is CIV? I understand lepto -- but not "4 way" & "5 way" -- what's included in it? TIA

The 4 way, 5 way, 6, etc. is how many antigens are in one vaccine, for instance distemper, parvo, parainfluenza, hepatitis, corona...all in one nice little package. Can you imagine being vaccinated for five, six or more diseases year after year for life? Well, that's what's being done to our dogs.

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

To And....

That is not correct.
Lepto 4 way is a Lepto vaccine that includes 4 of the most common strains of that particular virus.

Re: On the Subject of Vaccines

I wasn't referring to lepto, I was referring to the yearly 5, 6, 7 way "cocktails."