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Another still born?

What is the longest that you have worked on a puppy that was born not breeding, and it survived? When do you give up?
born with a heartbeat rate of 16-20/minute fading after 1 hour.

Re: Still born?

20-25 minutes!

Re: Still born?

Last one was many years ago but I it was over 30 minutes with CPR and magnets and he miraculously survived. Since then I have never delivered a litter without magnets. We have had our losses since but magnets are incredible. "Nikken" "Magboys".

I am so sorry if you lost a pup. Its never easy.

Re: Still born?

Patty could you expand more on what you are talking about with the magnets? I've never heard of that.


Re: Still born?

Puppy didn't make it. It's a shame. 18 oz beautiful boy.
Can you explain more about the magnets. First time I hear that. I could make sense. The heart goes by electric pulses anyways.

Re: Still born?

Answering Breeder as well (I am sorry for your loss). I would be glad to explain what we do.

here is what I posted in the other still born thread.

The magnetic field (north and south) is natural in the body. Spinning these fields into the body promotes better blood flow. This is why magnets help people and animals in healing from injury or illness.

The magboy (pic shown in link below) is spun over the body continuously sending the field to promote blood flow. I will not profess it works 100% of the time but it did save our still born pup and has worked well on sluggish pups.

I have also used it on a bitch when she was slowing down and not pushing enough during contractions and I knew there was a pup in the canal. Each time I spun the magboys over her abdomin it brought on more contractions and my coaxing her along as well to push and praising her helped too. (it was her first litter and this difficult pup her first to whelp).

The magboys work great as a massage tool as well for injury or arthritis. Rolling them back and forth over the effected areas.!magboy

The pups are placed on a magflex (Kenko Flex) with a towel over it after their initial nursing.!kenko-flex

I use the mag flex for my back and it works wonders.

Some people will knock magnetic therapy but I for one believe in it.

They also make magnetic dog beds for healing and arthritic dogs. I also know a breeder who is a rep for Nikken and she too swears by the products for humans and animals.

Hope my explanation helps. :-)

Re: Still born?

I am still wearing my magnet belt for a serious lower back inflammation, did Wine Country in BIG pain, magnet belt has me almost 100%. IT WORKS
I will look into the magnets for pups, very interesting and as we all know there is nothing more heart wrenching than losing a full term pup during birth process.

Re: Still born?

Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

Re: Still born?

Please do. So glad you are receptive to this as it can truly save a pup.

When I tell you our still born was doing nothing and CPR was not working - those magboys were a godsend.

4 people in the room and not a dry eye when he started to move just one little leg and than to breath..............

It was truly amazing. Did I mention we nick named him "magnet" and that he went to a pet home and became a therapy dog.

Re: Still born?

I am still wearing my magnet belt for a serious lower back inflammation, did Wine Country in BIG pain, magnet belt has me almost 100%. IT WORKS
I will look into the magnets for pups, very interesting and as we all know there is nothing more heart wrenching than losing a full term pup during birth process.

I've tried magnets for different things including my back Lois. I've had no help from them at all. The only thing that works for me is a Medrol lumbar epidural injection. Sometimes 2 but it does help alot.

It's not like I didn't try all of these magnets even in my shoes. The chiro and phisio advised using them, they got them for me at his cost. Not a drop of help.

Not everything works for everyone or every pup. I'm sorry the poster had stillborns. Sometimes when pups arrive DOA nothing can bring them to life including dopram. Breeding is not for the faint of heart.

Re: Another still born?

45 minutes. Two puppies were the last from a big litter c-section. We kept stimulating and kept them WARM. It's very important to keep them warm. We used warm saline bags and when one person got tired of rubbing with a towel, the pup got passed to another person. You have to rub vigorously. We were exhausted at the end of it all but all of the puppies survived. When I took her in for the section, I knew it was a big litter so I made one call and four other breeders showed up to help revive puppies. There are a great bunch of people up here!

Re: Another still born?

45 minutes for me. She was born clearly unresponsive, not breathing, no heart beats. Worked on her doing CPR. After 10 minutes she gave a gasping breath. Husband and I started crying and worked even harder. Gave her a couple drops of glucose under her tongue and continued CPR. She was screaming and nursing at 45 minutes. We named her Harlequin's By The Grace of God..."Gracie!"