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Labrador Quarterlies

I'm thinking of selling years and years of LQ's but I'm not sure where to advertise them and how much I should ask.

I looked at eBay. Do you think that would work?

Thanks - any input would be good.

(ps not including any contact information as I don't want to appear to be selling them here :-)

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

If you need the money, than ebay would work. If you don't need the money, donate them to a raffle for your favorite specialty.

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

If you are coming to Mid-Jersey, consider donating them to our Garage Sale to benefit Epilepsy Research.

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

Wouldn't it be fun to have a "craigslist" with just Lab stuff? :) I'm sure there are all sorts of homemade things (jackets, vests, jewelry, etc) people sell and there are always people on here looking for a place to find Lab stuff.

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

Hi....there is a LabStuff yahoo list. When it first hit, it was quite active. It has slowed down but could be everyone sold or found what they were looking for. So you could put your LQ's on here if you wanted the money. Otherwise, donating them like has already been said would be great for the Epilepsy fund garage sale.

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

There is a yahoo groups email list called dogshowstuff, that is a classified list. I have bought and sold on it(crates, tack boxes etc) and have never had a problem. There are quite a few listings for books and magazines so you might find an interest there.

Re: Labrador Quarterlies

There is a yahoo groups email list called dogshowstuff, that is a classified list. I have bought and sold on it(crates, tack boxes etc) and have never had a problem. There are quite a few listings for books and magazines so you might find an interest there.

Thanks for this hint. What a great group to belong to! Now I need a bigger bank account. :-)