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Update on anesthesia for c-section

Just wanted to let everyone know that my girl had her c-section on Saturday. My Vet used Propofol as an induction, and then Isoflurane. We helped with the pups as they came out. I was concerned because I am use to rubbing the pups, and they get mad and scream. We only had whimpers initially, but they all (4 of them) came around very quickly. The pups weighed between 1 pound and 1 pound 4 ounces. It was funny because the only yellow pup, a male, was in a horn all by himself. The vet said the 3 black pups were crowded in the other horn. He said when he broke the sack on the yellow one (first born) the pup threw his front legs up in the air and screamed as if to announce his arrival. My girl is doing well, so all in all I am happy that I made the decision for the c-section.

Re: Update on anesthesia for c-section

Laurie that is the same method my vet uses and we have had good luck with it.
good to hear your mom and pups are doing well.