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head trauma

dog chased rabbit out to road coming back got hit, head trauma, no blood out of ears, mouth, or nose. ER vets cked x-rayed no blood in stomach, have dog sediated, wags tag, wants to get up but they will not allow for now. Has anyone experience after wards with their dog, what to watch, look for drown the road, will dog be ok?? or problems, please do not start about why she was running loose, had all my dogs out for their daily walk when it happen.

Re: head trauma

So sorry to hear about your girl. Could it be a concussion & just needs lots of rest. Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery. Please keep us posted.

Re: head trauma

the er vet called and said she is doing better than expected, she has gotten up and moving around her cage but will see how she progress after more tests are run. Thanks for your thoughts, all I want now is a big wet kiss from her.

Re: head trauma

an accident is just that..
I had a puppy family have the same thing happen, their girl was around 18 mos-same story as yours. She is now 6 and still doing fine, even passed OFA of hips and elbows (was never bred but after the accident they were "curious")
I hope you have the same good outcome with no residual brain damage.
Just pray and ask God for healing-Sunday was the Feast of St. Francis (patron of the animals)-maybe you have someone special watching over you.....

Re: head trauma

Prayers your girl is okay.

Re: head trauma

I can only imagine how horrifying this must be and I am so sorry you are going through this. My prayers are with you and your girl.

Re: head trauma

I got to see her and was welcome with a wet kiss, the vet said it will be days before she can go home. The swelling has to go down, she is more focus,trying to get her to take fluids, going to see her again before they close, will keep everyone updated. Thank you for all the prayers

Re: head trauma

So glad to hear she is doing okay/improving. Thank you for updating.

Prayers continue.

Re: head trauma

saw my girl tonight and she has finally ate some food and water. She has no ability to stand at all, does not want to lay on opposite side. So we spend 1 hour rubbing her body, moving legs, turning her over side to side. Her tail works over time and very happy to see us. Time to go she tried to move like she wanted to get up but no luck. Will be talking to physical therapis in morning. Vet said it will be a long recovery.

Re: head trauma

I know it is hard to see her this way but keep up the faith, the prayers and give her time. I'm guessing water therapy would suit her best in this condition...
Does she have any strength if they stand her up and support her under her belly? Does she have normal reflex reaction in the toes, etc?
I feel for you..and her.

Re: head trauma

she is eating better today, they are taking her off IV's tomorrow and put meds in food, thinking about her going home but 24/7 care. Tried to stand her in sling but her legs will not support her at all. Front feet just curl back, if you pinch her toes she pulls her feet from you. Water treatments are what I am thinking about too. Having therphy doctor seeing her tomorrow if she can, she was very tired today from everyone seeing her, tail still wags, wet kisses feel great.

Re: head trauma

This sounds a lot like a spinal injury---did they do an MRI or xray of her spine?
Is she in an emergency/specialty hospital where they have neurologists or at least can the attending doctor consult with a neurologist. She made need some special care. Therapy sounds good but I would want to make sure that movement is not going to cause greater spinal/neurological damage.
Hang in there, but push for specialized care, even if you have to move her (carefully) to a facility that is used to dealing with neurological cases.
Have a heart-to-heart with your vet about prognosis with cutting edge medicine involved---it's out there.
Sounds like it will be a long road for you and her, all the best wishes for a complete recovery!!