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I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

I took my Striker kids to Humble this weekend. I know it was a small show (5-7-0-0), but my babies did awesome. On Saturday, Katie was RWB and Leon was WD and BOB. I had Becca Ebarb show him in groups and he took a Group 2!!!!!! Now on Sunday, the judge didn't like him at all, LOL but Katie took WB and BOB. She didn't do anything in the group, but that would have been a little too much to ask for. Then I proceeded to win the 19 inch flat screen tv, a $50 gift certificate at Home Depo, and a "Euro-broom" in the raffle. At that point, even my friends told me it was time to hop on my broom and fly home. LOLOLOLOL WOW! It was a fun time.

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Congratulations on your fabulous weekend!

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Who is striker and kids?

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Did you buy any lottery tickets that day? Congratulations!!

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Your not allowed to stay at my house anymore!!! LOL

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Congratulations! I know you were thrilled to see Leon get that Group 2!

and wow! what a job on the raffle

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Congratulations to you, what a weekend!! Fly high on those clouds.

Striker is Multiple BISS & BOSS Ch JanLon's Light My Fire for the person that asked.

Re: I have to brag on my Striker kids....especially Leon.

Congrats to you on an awesome weekend!!