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Fractued leg of my lab puppy

My 4 month old lab puppy had a green stick fracture on his right hind leg( dorsal tibia) by falling of the couch four weeks back. The vet told us there was no damage on his growth plates and put him on splint for 4 weeks(changed every 2 weeks). I took him to the vet yesterday to do some X ray and We were relived to see that his leg has healed completely and there was no sign of fracture.

Though my puppy doesn't limp and has started walking normally, i have noticed a small deformation / bump in his right hind leg. My concern is will his leg be perfectly okay and get back to normal shape.

P.S -My Vets clinic is closed on Mondays,so i can call them only tomorrow. Any inputs meantime will be appreciated


Re: Fractued leg of my lab puppy

Guess you never broke a bone. The body builds up a mass around the break to heal it. In time, the lump goes away.

Re: Fractued leg of my lab puppy

I had a puppy a few years ago that did the same thing. I was so worried and my vet said if you ever have a broken bone in a dog this is the best age because they heal so fast and in no time its like it never happened. Good luck with your pup!

Re: Fractued leg of my lab puppy

Me too. My puppy's was misdiagnosed. Three weeks later the break, which was right next to her hip joint, had healed at a very bad angle. After much ado the final vet opted to leave it alone because young bones tend to straighten themselves. When she went for her prelim hip x-ray even the skilled orthopedic vet could not tell anything had ever happened (and her hips were good).