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LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

Just a reminder for all of the procrastinators out there that the LRCP Bare Bones entries close on Wednesday, Oct. 7 at 6:00pm. For more info on Bare Bones go to
Don't forget the two days of supported entries at Middleburg Kennel Club after Bare Bones - go to for MKC info.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

Do the entries have to be mailed then by today - or is there a way to use Fax and credit card?

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

You can probably go through infodog and do it that way through online entry and credit/debit card, but if you're a non-member it gets a little pricey. And closing means they have to have your entries by said date, so mailing them today will be too late.

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

You can fax the entry in for Bare Bones. MC/Visa cardholders only. A 3.00 charge will be added to each entry. Be sure to include cardholder's name, address, card #, exp. date, and signature.
Fax # 866-285-0158
Bare Bones Show Sec. is Dick Chidester, his e-mail is
Infodog is for the Middleburg shows

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

Thank you. Actually, mailing them today (NextDay) would work.

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

Hmmm...I entered both M'burg and BB through Infodog. With Infodog, if it is not their show (BB in this case), they forward the entry to that show's superintendent. It has to be completed on Infodog "well in advance" (per their website) prior to closing. It would be too late now to enter online. I just checked my entry, and it is accepted. I almost exclusively use Infodog unless there is no posting of the show I want to enter.

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

Mary Ann Hart
Hmmm...I entered both M'burg and BB through Infodog. With Infodog, if it is not their show (BB in this case), they forward the entry to that show's superintendent. It has to be completed on Infodog "well in advance" (per their website) prior to closing. It would be too late now to enter online. I just checked my entry, and it is accepted. I almost exclusively use Infodog unless there is no posting of the show I want to enter.

Mary Ann,

Are you saying that it is too late to enter M'burg as it has to be completed on Infodog well in advance prior to closing?

Re: LRCP - Bare Bones Closes Wednesday, Oct. 7

The LRCP supported entry shows with Midleburg Kennel Club closed at noon today since the superintendent is MB-F - which can be processed trhough

LRCP Bare Bones does not close until 6:00pm today since the club is acting as its own show secretary/superintendent.

I believe what Mary Ann was saying is that she does all of her entries through infodog, but if MB-F is not the superintendent for the show you are entering through infodog then the entry has to be done at least a couple of days in advance of the closing date. So...I think Mary Ann was referring to the Bare Bones entries at the time. At the time of her post you could still enter Middleburg through infodog, just not Bare Bones.