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10 week old puppy collaps after playing

What could be wrong with a 10 week puppy who collapes after playing, ---a few minutes later he is fine.

Bloodwork shows red and white blood cells --low and so were her platelets. Protein was also low.

vets suspects something wrong with bone marrow

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

I'm sorry to hear about this pup. I wouldn't venture a guess - hope the test results are back quickly.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

That is scary. I have no idea what it could be.

Prayers for your sweet pup and please keep us updated.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Test for EIC also...

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Nancy Rudgers
Test for EIC also...

I thought that EIC does not sow up unless at least 5 months?

I appreciate any information that you may have to share.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

It's highly unlikely to be EIC. I would be more inclined to have a cardiologist examine the puppy. It will cost more - but I think you might get a quicker answer. Good luck - it's tough seeing a puppy go through something like this.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Blood work is the forte of Dr. Jean Dodds in CA. Maybe get a consult there, paying for results to be sent to her. Your money will support research, and she is not expensive. Hope it is just something that passes and pup is better. Had it had vaccines right before collapse? Bee sting? Document all that when you fax in the blood work to her at Hemopet. It's not too late to call there now.

CNM? Have known of it in 3 month old rescue. See this article about it in young pups. A test would clarify things if your vet can't figure out how to help the pup.

Good luck!

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

CNM has been diagnosed as young as 6 weeks.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

I had a young pup like this was due to low blood sugar. It was his first outing with the big dogs, there was a change in weather (cooler temps) and is was about an hour before he was due to eat. Vet said all combined caused him to collapse. It was frightening-he went down once we got back in the truck and was out cold. He is now 9 and it never happened again.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Charlotte K.
Blood work is the forte of Dr. Jean Dodds in CA. Maybe get a consult there, paying for results to be sent to her. Your money will support research, and she is not expensive. Hope it is just something that passes and pup is better. Had it had vaccines right before collapse? Bee sting? Document all that when you fax in the blood work to her at Hemopet. It's not too late to call there now.

CNM? Have known of it in 3 month old rescue. See this article about it in young pups. A test would clarify things if your vet can't figure out how to help the pup.

Good luck!

The enzyme test came back normal.

They want to do a CNM test on the puppy.

The sire & dam are tested clear on CNM

Can a puppy get CNM if both parents are clear on CNM?

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

I don't believe so unless the lab people made an error. Maybe it is EIC. I would be testing for that and skip the CNM test.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

CNM is a muscle wasting disease--it doesn't "go away" like the description here.

A collapse and recovery would better fit EIC, heart problems, seisures than it would fit CNM. CNM puppies have trouble walking all the time, not just for short periods of time.


Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

I had a young pup like this was due to low blood sugar. It was his first outing with the big dogs, there was a change in weather (cooler temps) and is was about an hour before he was due to eat. Vet said all combined caused him to collapse. It was frightening-he went down once we got back in the truck and was out cold. He is now 9 and it never happened again.

This sounds more likely. I figured many would point to EIC. If both parents are CNM clear then the pup would not have it.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

What could be wrong with a 10 week puppy who collapes after playing, ---a few minutes later he is fine.

Bloodwork shows red and white blood cells --low and so were her platelets. Protein was also low.

vets suspects something wrong with bone marrow

The lab tests-bloodwork are not indicative of EIC. As someone mentioned possible low blood sugar or what your vet is thinking about.

I hope it turns out to be something mild and easily addressed.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

It is obviously Anemic. Find the cause. Severe anemia can cause collapse with fast recovery.

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Charlotte K.
Blood work is the forte of Dr. Jean Dodds in CA. Maybe get a consult there, paying for results to be sent to her. Your money will support research, and she is not expensive. Hope it is just something that passes and pup is better. Had it had vaccines right before collapse? Bee sting? Document all that when you fax in the blood work to her at Hemopet. It's not too late to call there now.

CNM? Have known of it in 3 month old rescue. See this article about it in young pups. A test would clarify things if your vet can't figure out how to help the pup.

Good luck!

I have an up-date on the puppy.

Copy of the blood work was sent to Dr Jean Dodds, and here is part of the consultation:

As the onset of the problem with collapsing episodes began 5 days after a treatment with Heartgard Plus and Frontline, (given by puppy buyer)

it's likely that these two chemicals given at such a young age contributed to adverse reaction.

To add to this chemical "insult" to the body, puppy was given second vaccination (given by puppy buyer's vet)-- a combined DHPPC . Puppy was just 9.5 weeks old and was unwell at the time.

suggest not to give more vaccines until clearly normal again right.

So this puppy continues to have sudden episodes of staggering and being unsteady, and falling over -- which typically start after puppy has eaten and has run around playing.

These adverse events could be worsening because of the combined effects of the heartwom and flea/tick preventives plus the booster combination vaccine.

The degree of anemia is minor for such a youngster. She has plenty of tme to recover. The serum chemistry profile is basically normal for her age.

Suggest giving puppy small amounts of honey or Karo syrup throughout the day especially when puppy is playing hard. Puppy could be having fluctuating hypoglycemic attacks.

Until the adverse events of the vaccine are overcome [can peak at about days 21 post-vaccination], watch puppy carefully and let puppy rest and heal.


Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Tks for the update - hope the pup gets better & better quickly!

Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

That is definately overload on that pups system.

And what the heck is the vet giving Corona for? Pups 6 weeks and older are not susceptible to it.

Years ago before I knew any better I let my vet give Corona and the pups all had a reaction within 24 hours (vomitting and diarrhea). Not saying that was the cause of this pups problems but makes me wonder if it may have at least contributed a large part.

Hoping this pup will be fine. Thank you for updating.

update from OP, Re: 10 week old puppy collaps after playing

Thanks for letting us know, and you are most welcome.
May the pup have a speedy recovery!
Some homeopaths use thuja and other remedies. Other folks add vitamins to combat the stress and help pup heal.