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Overbite at six weeks

My pick bitch has an over bite. She is six weeks old.
She is from the very last litter from a great match.
What have others experienced with something like this?
Will it possibly correct?
How long do you wait?
I hate to let her go when I should have given her more time just in case things improve.
Of course she has wormed her way into my heart and it would kill me to let her go!
Advice please...

Re: Overbite at six weeks

I just went through the same thing.......she is now 7 months and her bite is fine....not perfect ....but definitely not an overbite anymore. When she was 8 weeks her bite was was torture to look at her.....I am sure glad that I held on to her. I did note that even though she had a severe overbite.....the alignment of her teeth was correct.......with that said...I had hope it would correct.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

I brought my bitch in to vet yesterday for surgery to pull lower canines to help with what was quite a severe overbite 3 weeks ago. I had not really looked closely at her bite since as I had this surgery scheduled. Well, got a call from vet's office an hour after dropped her off, vet said, "She doesn't need surgery, it's corrected itself." (She's 12 weeks) I was skeptical when I went back to pick up pup, vet and I looked at bite together and it is perfect, even at 11 weeks the lower canines were growing right up into jaw and she had an overbite and now it's perfect! My mentor said many breeders give up and get rid of potentials much too early.

My mentor has seen dogs suddenly improve in a variety of areas as late as 2 years old, listed some famous studs with conformation and bite issues as pups that improved after a year old.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

FIrst of all, an overbite at 6 weeks really means nothing. You shouldn't look at teeth until 8 weeks, when the bite is closer to what they may end up as. Surgery on a 12 week old for an overbite? Are you kidding me? To put a pup through that- for what exactly? There is no final product on bite until the permanent teeth come in.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

FIrst of all, an overbite at 6 weeks really means nothing. You shouldn't look at teeth until 8 weeks, when the bite is closer to what they may end up as. Surgery on a 12 week old for an overbite? Are you kidding me? To put a pup through that- for what exactly? There is no final product on bite until the permanent teeth come in.
I felt the same way, but was told with lower canines growing into uppper jaw, lower jaw wouldn't grow properly. Thankfully, we never did the surgery.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

I had a male puppy with a bad overbite at 6 weeks - it never got any better. I still have him and he is 11 now (he was a singleton and I could not part with him). I neutered him at 9 months and at the same time had his lower canines ground down a little so that they would not dig into his upper jaw.

I hope your girl improves. Good luck.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

Had a pup with canines making holes in the roof of a puppy's mouth. Took the litter in for exam at 7-1/2 weeks. My vet used a nail clipper and nipped off the ends of the bottom canines. He said that gives the lower jaw the freedom to move to where it should instead of being locked in place.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

Went to a dental specialist with a puppy at 6 weeks with an overbite who said that the lower canines needed to be pulled as they were digging into the upper jaw preventing the lower jaw from growing forward properly. I suggested nipping them and she said that that would make the permanent teeth underneath possibly die since the root would be exposed. The explanation was long and protracted, but made sense to me once I saw the photos of the baby teeth and the roots and how everything was interconnected. So we pulled the teeth. The puppy was under anestheia for 10 minutes and the prognosis was excellent for the jaw to grow into a perfect scissors bite.

Re: Overbite at six weeks

Thank you to all who took the time to reply to my message.
Your experiences gave me hope that my girl just may have a proper bite after all.
I did have my vet look at her mouth and he thought that the lower incisors should be pulled. Another vet in the practice felt that if the situation does not correct itself in two-four weeks, that may be an option. I do not want to jump the gun and do anything that may endanger her.
Any other folks want to weigh in with advice, comments or experiences?
Please do!