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8 day old puppies with loose stool

Help! Have had perfectly healthy puppies for 8 days now they have all gotten loose stool over night. And boy does the poop STINK!!! Mom has not eaten anything different since the day of delivery. Still gaining weight but worried about the loose stools. Mom was wormed 2 months before she was breed . Is it too early to worm the puppies.?

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

If it is more of a mustard color, with white bits in it, then the pups are overeating a bit and the food is going through them too fast. Happens alot with Moms that have alot of milk. If they are this color, you could try taking Mom out of the box for a break, so that they are not nursing every minute.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

To second Lab Breeder comments, check the color of the poop. If it is as they discribed, follow their advise. If it is dark or greenish, get your mom's milk checked with a culture at your vets. DO NOT wait to put her on antibiotics but do so right away. Once the culture comes back, you can change antibiotics if needed. E-coli is not uncommon to get into the milk which in turn goes to the puppies. You can tell if you have this issue by the darkish/greenish color, awful smell, and extremely loose stools.
The percentage is with you on just over eating.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

My puppies got clostridium. I have no idea how or why, but that is what my vet and I came up with. A dose of antibiotic for mom and the puppies for 5 days cleared everything up muy pronto. Don't delay. We originally thought that her milk was too rich or they were overeating, but the smell is a clear clue that it is bacterial.
Hope this helps.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

could also be coccidia, if your bitch is shedding cocci then they would have picked it up at birth.
start albon or ponazuril if above suggestions do not help

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Coccidia is another good possibility. Check that one out. They can dehydrate in a hurry even though on mom and getting her milk due to messy stools.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

what kind of worming med do you use if it is coccidia

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

worried mom
what kind of worming med do you use if it is coccidia

Bring a few stool samples to the vet. I wouldn't treat for anything until you know what it is.

Panacur works for several things but you have to dose it exactly, especially with little ones. StrongidT on the other hand is easier to use but doesn't cover as much. Let your vet tell you what you need.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

If it stinks, I'd treat for coccidia regardless of stool sample results.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Panacur will not treat coccidia.
As mentioned above albon or ponazuril.

You need vet advice & stool samples
worried mom
what kind of worming med do you use if it is coccidia

Bring a few stool samples to the vet. I wouldn't treat for anything until you know what it is.

Panacur works for several things but you have to dose it exactly, especially with little ones. StrongidT on the other hand is easier to use but doesn't cover as much. Let your vet tell you what you need.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

You could take a half dozen stool samples in looking for coccidia and may not find it. Puppies can go down hill very fast if that's the problem.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

You could take a half dozen stool samples in looking for coccidia and may not find it. Puppies can go down hill very fast if that's the problem.

True, I'd use Ponazaril if this is still going on. I use it prophylactively on all my pups (but not that young) as our side of the state is known to have lots of coccidia problems. Vet said Ponazaril has minimal side effects. Some strains of coccidia are now resistant to albon.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

what is the stuff that you put in water that helps with worms. What is the best if stool samples do not show worms.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

worried mom,

please take fecal samples to your vet.
and get the correct medicine you need.

since you dont know what medicines work on what diseases
you dont need to be giving them anything until someone with knowledge or your vet confirms.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Ditto. It may not be anything but overeating. I find sometimes that some puppies are a bit loose the whole time they are nursing, depending on the type of milk the Mom is producing. I have never had to give meds at 8 days.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

worried mom
what is the stuff that you put in water that helps with worms. What is the best if stool samples do not show worms.

I would get pups to vet for exam and have a stool sample done if you are still having issues. You can easily loose pups at this age! If it's just milk supply, it shouldn't smell and it usually corrects itself so should be getting better by now.

I would not use stuff you put in water. I cannot remember the name of it, but there is one additive that is way too hard on little pups' kidneys and you can do permanent damage. Consult with vet first, ask about Ponazaril if stool samples are Ok and he/she is unsure of what to do next.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

I copied this off of the Kelleygreen website a long time ago and found it very helpful.

Coccidia - Almost every breeder who has 1 or 10 litters a year ends up having coccidia and I have had it in my kennel as well. I now believe I have come up with a solution to keep the puppies from having coccidia. I mix 30cc of Corid (9% oral solution) and one cup of sugar with enough water to fill a gallon plastic milk carton. Shake it well and that is all the puppies get to drink from the time they are 3 weeks old. I have had no incidence of coccidia since I have been using the Corid water. Corid can be purchased by the gallon at a livestock feed store or through the catalog at KY vet supply.

Clostridium and Campylobacter - Sometimes 1 or more puppies in a litter stop eating, their stool may be loose with a little blood and they may be lethargic. Some of the same signs of parvo but to a lesser degree. If you are sure it is not parvo then you should have the puppy stool sample checked for clostridium and campylobacter. But it has to be checked with a stained slide because almost all the stools are checked only by flotation and neither of these can be detected that way. If undetected, puppies can die from them and it sometimes is blamed on a new form of parvo. Clostridium can be treated with Erythromycine in the liquid form and Campylobacter with metronidozole or amoxicillin. Early detection and treatment can keep your puppies healthy.

Metronidozole - When I was in Pennsylvania I found that if some puppies were treated more than once with metronidozole for Giardia that they developed white tipping on their hair. Blacks and chocolates would look like blue and red roan ponies. It would slowly appear and sometimes effect the whole coat. In about 3 or 4 months it would disappear, especially if they started to shed. Puppies born with miss marks, like black and tans, will not loose them.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Corid is the treatment my reproductive veterinarian said to never use on pups as it damages kidneys.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Breeder Also
Corid is the treatment my reproductive veterinarian said to never use on pups as it damages kidneys.

I also was following the above advice until I heard this. Now we give 2 doses of Ponazaril as a preventative at 4 weeks and never have an issue.

With these little 8 day old pups, I worry about dehydration if there is still an issue.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

corid should not be used on pups. not only can damage kidneys but depletes bodies natural thiamine which can lead to polio type issues.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

took a sample of the puppies and the mom. All came back negitive. Told me to worm mom again. Puppies are to young yet. Told me to try either yogurt on puppies. Didn't see my regular vet. he was out of town. This vet didn't give me much advice as to how to get the puppies better. Puppies have not lost weight but have only gain 1 ounce in two days. They where gaining a couple ounces a day. As to over feeding the are eating every two to two and half hours. Is that to much. Have to wait till my other vet gets back on checking her milk. Puppies are acting ok and no temps. Cry a little after they eat when they are popping. Can I give some for of Floria or probitics at this age> Vet didn't have any benebac, Sorry so long. Just want to get to the bottom of this and help my little ones.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

You can usually get Benebac at Petsmart/Petco in little tubes - yes, you can give it to puppies. I usually give them a bit at birth and every few days, as directed, and also when weaning onto solid food.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

thanks for your advice. Can you give benebac with yogurt? I will be going to the store tomorrow. just weight them all and they did can a 1/2 ounce today. But Boy when they poop you can smell it thru the whole house. I have had litters in the past but have never had the puppy poops till i start weaing them and giving them the puppy groul.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

The Benebac is just a little bit that is squeezed from the tube - just put it directly in their mouths. It tastes good (I guess) - mine always like it once they figure out to swallow it

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

worried mom
thanks for your advice. Can you give benebac with yogurt? I will be going to the store tomorrow. just weight them all and they did can a 1/2 ounce today. But Boy when they poop you can smell it thru the whole house. I have had litters in the past but have never had the puppy poops till i start weaing them and giving them the puppy groul.

I would give the benebac at a different time of day than yogurt. This way the pups are getting stomach healthy supplements or foods not all together. Spread it all out and cover the entire day.

Benebac can go right on your finger and the pups will suck it off. It's a paste given by weight and can not hurt them. It normalizes the gut usually. Give it a few days as long as pups continue to gain. Keep checking for dehydration.

I hope their stool changes with yogurt and benebac. Vets never sell benebac, most dog supply stores have it. You might want to call ahead and grab several tubes. They usually sell out fast. Better to have too much than not enough.

Get plain yogurt, nothing in it. It's also a heck of alot cheaper that way. It also can't hurt to put Mom on the same things.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

are best sent to the lab. If your vet tested in house I would take samples back and have them send them to the lab for testing.

I know someone that took samples in 2x and negative. Took a 3rd and had them send it to the lab and came back positive for giardia. This was not a litter but an older pup.

The lab has much more extensive equipment than most vets.

The stink tells me it is not over eating (unless the stools are yellow/mustard color with white looking curd - you never did say).

If not as described above, I would test another sample to be sure you are not dealing with coccidia.

Re: 8 day old puppies with loose stool

Tylan Powder works for me. 1/8 tsp in a gallon of drinking water...Or I mix the puppy food then add just a sprinkle on top..It works like a charm within 12-24hrs. If not completely cleared up try another dose of Tylan on their food.