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News from the National?

Any results from sweeps?

Re: News from the National?

Never mind. Just saw it below.

Re: News from the National?

Why the results are so important to everyone?, we know that the ones winning this days are the handlers and not the dogs.

Re: News from the National?

My dog who won the Sweeps 15-18 month black dog class was OWNER handled by my dog's fabulous co-owner. I beg to differ with the poster who claims "the ones winning this days are the handlers and not the dogs."
BUT if this is a reflection on the competency and fashion factor that my co-owner brings to the golly I accept the compliment on her behalf!

Re: News from the National?

Oh shut up. Why still up trouble. Maybe the handlers have some nice dogs.

Re: News from the National?

I remember several years ago at the National when someone came up to me and said "that was political judging". I pointed out that I won my class and the judge had no idea who I was. Sometimes it's just sour grapes.

Re: News from the National?

The political judges favorite probably wasn't in your class!!! LMAO!!!!

Me 2
I remember several years ago at the National when someone came up to me and said "that was political judging". I pointed out that I won my class and the judge had no idea who I was. Sometimes it's just sour grapes.

Re: News from the National?

Whoa! My chocolate boy won his 9-12 month sweeps class yesterday with me, inexperienced owner/handler that I am, sweating it out at the other end of the lead. There were handlers in the ring with us.