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Hair Loss after Whelping

I really need help. I have a dog that after whelping, lost her coat. I am having trouble getting it looking good again.

Does anyone have any help that they can share? I am hoping to get her in a show in december but I don't know if she will make it with her coat so thin. She has no undercoat, and she is almost bald.

Does anyone have any hair growing remedy?

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

This isn't unusual at all and with good food & time, her coat will come back. You may not make the show in December though - JMO

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

My girl whelped in June and she became almost bald (much to my dismay)after I weaned the pups. However, she now has a gorgeous coat...just in time for shows. So, be patient. It will come. I did put her outside in the evenings when it is cooler to encourage the growth of her coat and she is on a good food.

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

In addition to quality food, I add an egg a day and flax oil and stimulate skin by brushing with rubber curry comb (for horses). I do notice that mine who choose to swim daily get coat back faster. I wonder if it is the cold water that does that?

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

I am feeding Chicken Soup For the Pet Lovers Soul (Large Breed) and I have been putting her out all day in the kennel where the temperature is around 60F. But I didn't think about taking her swimming. Maybe I will take her in the ocean, which is cold but it also has a healing effect.

I could also give her an egg.

She also got a bit of a bacterial infection on her back which she is on antibiotics for, if there anything I could rub on it, or do you think the swimming might fix that as well.

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

JMO - if she doesn't have much coat, I doubt she'd enjoy a cold swim much! Could be that with the infection and meds, it'll take longer for her coat to come back. Patience please!

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

You might try OxyDex shampoo for the skin infection, but only once, then let it dry. I would not swim her every day with a skin infection.

Re: Hair Loss after Whelping

I begin adding a handful of raw hamburger to the bitches food once a day before breeding and through gestation and until a week or two after the pups leave. I discovered years ago that they don't blow their coat at all. I use ground chuck. It may help to add some now to put coat back on. It seemed logical as canines in the wild are raw meat eaters.