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AKC changin' the rules for profit

This is preposterous! Is AKC really so money hungry that they now have to change the very foundation of which AKC conformation showing was based on?? Obtaining a championship title that has a history of being difficult to obtain, at least in many areas of the country?
I’m not saying the system is flawless by a long stretch. I do believe it is quite flawed due to the points schedule system in place. There are probably some complex solutions to that problem however, it seems AKC doesn’t see it as a problem at all. Some people just have to work harder, spend more money and beat many more dogs to obtain their titles than others do.
But that’s off topic.
The way I feel is that if this Grand Champion deal goes through, AKC is essentially undermining the merit of what is now and has always been known as the title “AKC Champion” and making it virtually meaningless unless you keep working, keep paying.
All that hard work, time, and yes, money, spent getting your current Champion titles, now worthless unless we KEEP spending it, in order to now get the NEW, more important title they have dreamed up in an effort to make more money!
Hogwash! I won’t do it. In fact, if the regular, good ole AKC Championship is no longer meaningful, I won’t even bother with that one anymore.
Here is what they are proposing.
I think we should all write and protest this!

With permission to cross-post from the August AKC Board minutes:

Grand Championship

There was a motion by Mr. Arnold, seconded by Dr. Davies, and it was VOTED
(unanimously) to approve a new advanced conformation title to be called
Grand Championship. The specifics of the Grand Championship, which is
intended to provide additional venues for exhibitors and to encourage
entries, are:

. All Champions of record that are eligible to be entered in Best of
Breed competition, are automatically entered in competition for points
toward the "Grand Champion" title when they are entered in the Best of Breed
class at a dog show. There are no additional entry fees or cost to
exhibitors for participation in this competition at AKC events.

. Dogs and bitches that have earned their Championship and are moved
up to Best of Breed class would be eligible to compete on the day.

. Any exhibits found to be ineligible for "Grand Champion" points
would have those points disallowed administratively by the AKC. If Best of
Breed is found to be ineligible, all Grand Champion points awarded will be
administratively disallowed for Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select

. Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, or non-regular class
winners, are not eligible to compete for "Grand Champion" points.

. All eligible exhibits entered in the Best of Breed class will
compete and judging will be concurrent with traditional Best of Breed

. The judge will award Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best of
Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch. Judges may withhold any awards at
their discretion.

. For eligible Champions, the Best of Breed (BOB), Best of Opposite
Sex (BOS), Select Dog (SD) and Select Bitch (SB) winners can acquire points
toward the "Grand Champion" title. A maximum of four dogs may be awarded
"Grand Championship" points.

. The existing schedule of points and divisions will be used to
calculate "Grand Champion" points. "Grand Championship" points will be
awarded based on the number of eligible entries exhibited. All class
exhibits and champions in breed or variety competition present will be
counted to compute "Grand Champion" points.

. "Grand Championship" entries will not affect the annual computation
schedule of points assigned to each Points Division.

. Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch can
earn "Grand Champion" points at AKC All Breed, Limited Breed, or Specialty

. There will be no "Grand Champion" points awarded when all competing
Champions of Record or move-up dogs are defeated by a class dog or bitch
receiving the Best of Breed award.

. If the Best of Opposite Sex winner is the Winners Dog or The Winners
Bitch, neither the Best of Opposite Sex nor the Select award for that sex
will be eligible for "Grand Champion" awards.

. Best of Breed winner will receive the highest number of "Grand
Champion" points available regardless of sex. Best of Breed "Grand Champion"
points are based on the total number of dogs and bitches competing in the
breed or variety using the point schedule for the individual dog's sex.

. Best of Opposite Sex winner will receive Grand Championship points
based on the total number of dogs defeated of the same sex. The Select Dog
and Select Bitch will receive points based on the total numbers of dogs
defeated of the same sex. Best of Breed or the Best of Opposite Sex will not
be included in this computation.

. Best of Opposite Sex point computations may be equal to the Best of
Breed winner but in no case will they exceed "Grand Championship" points
awarded to Best of Breed.

. "Grand Champion" ribbons will be provided to all eligible Best of
Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog, Select Bitch winners.

. Once an eligible dog or bitch has accumulated 25 "Grand Champion"
points with three majors under three different judges and at least one point
under a fourth judge, it may be designated "Grand Champion" and receive an
AKC enhanced certificate indicating they have completed the necessary
requirements for the title.

. "Grand Champion" title holders will continue to accumulate points
towards the "Grand Champion Ranking System" after completion of title (Top
25, 50 or 100 by Breed, and Group).

. Any dog who completes its Grand Champion title will receive an
invitation to the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.

The rule changes necessary to implement the Grand Championship will be read
at the September 2009 delegate Meeting for a vote at the December 2009

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

I like the idea after reading about the criteria. I see nothing wrong with people striving for an even MORE elite title. I enjoy watching the cream of the crop compete, it gives me the opportunity to see and sometimes touch dogs that I usually only get to see in pictures. If this new title allows me to see more dogs in BOB, I say great!

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

just adds up those BOB wins and gives them a title.
what is wrong with that?

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Whether I agree or disagree with AKC's Grand Champion is a moot point. What is important for all of us who show is to be involved, and I mean ACTIVELY involved, in both our local all-breed and Labrador clubs. Every AKC Club delegate had input on this, along with other AKC rule/regulations. Our delegate for my local all breed club voted as our members directed her to.

If you do not participate, become active and "inter-active" with AKC, your local clubs, etc then you have not a leg to stand on to complain.

So if you are not active in an AKC recognized Kennel Club go find one. Yes, you have the ability to make a difference by your participation!!

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

I agree with you Susan. What I see here and I know I will get blasted for saying how I feel but here it goes...this will bring more handlers out to compete for this new "Champion" title. The point system is so high in my area now that its hard to build major let alone a single point! People like me who would like to special their dog once in awhile won't have a shot at BOB. Sorry but that is my two cents. I hope I am wrong....

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Why are you so upset, according to what YOU posted, there are no additional fees charged to obtain this title- read the last line of the paragraph below..

All Champions of record that are eligible to be entered in Best of
Breed competition, are automatically entered in competition for points
toward the "Grand Champion" title when they are entered in the Best of Breed
class at a dog show. There are no additional entry fees or cost to exhibitors for participation in this competition at AKC events.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

I believe the idea of it was that not only the BOB winner would be awarded the point toward the grand champion title, but that there would be your BOB winner who would get a point, your BOS winner who would get the point as long as BOS is a champion and then there would be 2 others (champions only) selected and given something like a award of merit or a reserve (runner up) and they would each be awarded a point toward their grand championship as well.

IMHO I am not for it because I feel that it would take away from the specials out there and the breed ring would become loaded up with dogs and it would start to become almost like another class.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

So I guess you don't think an entry fee is an additional fee??
There are some of us who don't special our dogs more than on occasion but with this new title, we will have to continue campaigning, even after we finish our dogs!! So more campaigning = MORE MONEY!!!

Why are you so upset, according to what YOU posted, there are no additional fees charged to obtain this title- read the last line of the paragraph below..

All Champions of record that are eligible to be entered in Best of
Breed competition, are automatically entered in competition for points
toward the "Grand Champion" title when they are entered in the Best of Breed
class at a dog show. There are no additional entry fees or cost to exhibitors for participation in this competition at AKC events.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

This may seem like a small detail, but what about all those extra ribbons the clubs will now have to make, let's see that's 4 more ribbons per breed, I haven't finished my tea yet so I can't recall the exact amount of breeds, and they may not even be awarded based on the competition. So that means the clubs will most likely raise their entry fees to cover this additional cost. Sounds like a swell idea!!!!

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

I agree that we will pay for this somewhere, somehow. However at least initially, it sounds like it applies to those that are planning to Special their dog anyway. Just an added bonus. And what about those breeds with lower point systems who finish their dogs so easily? Will give them something to do.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

This may seem like a small detail, but what about all those extra ribbons the clubs will now have to make, let's see that's 4 more ribbons per breed, I haven't finished my tea yet so I can't recall the exact amount of breeds, and they may not even be awarded based on the competition. So that means the clubs will most likely raise their entry fees to cover this additional cost. Sounds like a swell idea!!!!

That's not the way I read it.

There is already a BOB ribbon and a BOS ribbon, why would they have to print more?

I also don't mind the idea. I think it's nice to prove that your dog could not only obtain his title by the hair of his chinny-chin-chin, but he can also be really competitive against other finished champions.

What's the harm in it?

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

It will cost money for the entry fee. How do you see that it is not any additional cost? Those who special their dogs already will pay the entry fee and there is no additional fee for them. The people who would not normally want to specials their dog but want to get the title grand champion will have to pay to enter. That is the whole idea to bring in more money.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Who cares if this draws in more specials to enter in order to compete for the title? The only downside I see is that some of the folks who hope to get a BOB at a local all breed may lose the chance because nicer Champions are entered in order to gain the additional title. So what.

I show in my share of AKC shows, but honestly I find UKC a much nicer venue. They have had a Grand Ch. title for quite some time now. Our area is getting really focused on UKC and bringing in folks who have dogs that are very competetive in AKC too, so it's really a neat opportunity to show against NICE dogs in a NICE venue.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Does anyone else see a logical disconnect between basing the points awarded on number of class dogs competing and class dogs not being eligible to compete for Grand Championship points? Seems to me the relevant number to make the title truly meaningful is how many champions a dog has defeated, which of course WOULD require a different point schedule. So they are doing this halfway just to get money.

I also thought about the extra ribbons that might be required, two/breed for the select dogs, a cost that will be born by the local clubs, not AKC.

It would be nice to see more specials, but I, personally will not special my dogs for such a title because I don't use pros very often and can't hang around all day for the group judging. So going Best of Breed is not necessarily a plus in my book. Maybe the poster who suggested that this title will encourage the use of pros is correct.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Not to mention the judging nightmare.

Re: AKC changin' the rules for profit

Susan is correct in that we are the AKC. We, the show fancy, voted almost unanimously for this change. Most of the performance delegates voted against it.

By belonging to local all breed clubs you will have access to this information before it is voted on and be sure your club represents your interests.

Changes like the mixed breed registry are a result of decreased revenue and falling participation in AKC events. The UKC has drawn many performance people to their registry. Pet owners are not filling out registration forms. Puppy mills, if policed, will register elsewhere. The AKC is acting like a business because it has to.

The AKC is not conspiring against us. It is trying to survive. If the AKC fails, we all lose.

They have begun to organize themselves around better legislative efforts and need our support. The LRC just sent $10,000 to them for that purpose.

We don't have to send PAC money to help. The easiest way to support our registry is to register your litter before it leaves your home. Collect the registration fee from the owner. Fill out the paperwork together, ensure your pup is on limited and mail it in for them. It's a win-win.

Pet owners will be solicited for pet products, services and events. So what? The more owners interact with AKC the less likely they will become PETA donors.