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David Vollette

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to start off Thanking everyone for all the calls and emails! This is the best way to return emails and THANK EVERYONE!

Well here it goes! I was leaving to go to the Nationals and I had a Heart Attack! I know many of you maybe very surprised by this as am I. I try to stay healthy but it happened!

There is no damage to my heart which is a blessing. With stress, starting a new way of exercising in a bootcamp way plus not eating on timely manner with work all hit me at the same time. My body told me I am doing to much at once.

But feeling much better now except for the Catheter (ughhh little uncomfortable)! hahahha! So I hope to be back to normal real shortly and see all of you at the next show!

Again thank you for all the nice wishes and emails. Hope everyone is in good health as well and taking care of your families!

God Bless!


Re: David Vollette

Holy Cow David! Thank goodness no damage was done to your heart. Take good care of yourself so we can enjoy your company and great sense of humor again soon.

Re: David Vollette

Angelaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!needs to take better care of you!

Re: David Vollette


Your body told you something was wrong. From now on you'll listen to it. You were overdoing it, many of us do that. Thank God you're alive, have no heart damage and are moving into a health life style now. We all should be doing the same.

I hope you get back to good health quickly.

I'm sure you are missed at the National. Feel better and get well soon.

Re: David Vollette

Just saw you at HRLRC a couple weeks ago...hope you heal up quickly.

Take care.

Re: David Vollette


Thank God you are okay and have no damage to your heart. So glad to hear all is well but so sorry you went through that as it had to be really scary.

Starkey & Stacey

Re: David Vollette

Oh goodness! Take care of yourself, David.

Re: David Vollette

Geesh David! A heart attack is such a rude reminder that we need to take care of ourselves.
I am so glad that you are doing well now. Looking forward to seeing you at upcoming shows, when your health permits.

Re: David Vollette

OMG David, I am so glad to hear you are OK!

We sent our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Re: David Vollette

Thank God you are ok. Here's to a speedy recovery. Our thoughts and praryers are with you.

Re: David Vollette

David, so glad no permanent damage was done! This should be another wake up call to all of us!


Re: David Vollette

Don't give yourself too much grief. Genetics play an important role in MIs. The healthiest living person I have ever known died before he reached 50 from a massive heart attack. So did his father and his brother.

I'm so glad that you weren't one of those who die as their first indication of a problem. God be with you.

Re: David Vollette

Thank God your ok David! Take Care of yourself and can`t wait to see ya soon!

I am so glad you are okay! Take care of yourself, David!

I hope you are feeling better than ever soon!!

Re: I am so glad you are okay! Take care of yourself, David!

OMG!! I can't believe it! I am so glad to hear you're doing ok. Get back on your feet soon, lots of shows to go to!

Re: David Vollette


I am so glad that you are doing better now and that there was no serious damage done to your heart. Please rest, go slow and listen to your body. Hope to see you running around the ring before too long.


Re: David Vollette

David, you lucky soul! So sorry you had this happen, but your post tells me you have this in the correct perspective. Hang in there, do the things you know you should, in moderation!!! Prayers for a nice, speedy recovery so your friends can enjoy your company for years to come!

Re: David Vollette

David, I am so glad to hear that you are on the mend and that your heart hasn't been damaged. What a scary ordeal this must be for you. Please take care of yourself and know that your in my thoughts. Hope to see you soon.

Much aloha,

Re: David Vollette

So happy to hear you're doing better. Take care of yourself!!!

Re: David Vollette

Hi David:

Wow, I'm so happy to hear you're ok. Snoopy sends his old buddy a big get well slurp from Canada.

Take good care of yourself!

Re: David Vollette

WOW that's scary! glad to hear there was no damage.
Take care of yourself and hope you feel better soon.
Hope to see you running around at the shows soon.

Re: David Vollette

Well that puts it all in perspective! I am glad to hear you are "ok". Get well soon!


Re: David Vollette

Bill and I wish you a speedy recovery - no damage that's the best news - OMG!!!!! A heart attack! I would not have believed it - get back on track

Re: David Vollette

GET WELL SOON!!! Good thoughts for rapid healing coming your way!

georgia c baba
arlon labs

Re: David Vollette

David - Wow, I thought you were joking, as usual. Sorry to hear, but I hope you're feeling better soon. Give that darling boy Grady, some big hugs. I'm sure that will heal everything.

Re: David Vollette

Well...I guess you and I are in the club together---I had a heart attack Aug. 17th--also no damage! You and I are the last ones you would think can have a heart attack. Well--take warning....we both need to slow down and reduce stress! Hope to see you soon.

Re: David Vollette

David & now Kathy too. Whew! This is so hard to believe. You both look healthier than 90% of the exhibitors in the ring. Heck, either one of you could go BOB! Guess this means better diets & exercise. I want you guys to be around for a long, long, long time. Hope to see you back very soon.

Re: David Vollette

OMG David! What is up with that...heart attack you? I'm sure glad you're okay, time to slow down a bit and take care of yourself.

Take it easy.

Re: David Vollette

I am so glad you are still with us!!! I'm so sorry you had to go thru that, but glad that you are doing well and on the mend :)


Re: David Vollette

Hey David,

I sure thougt you were kidding around, but anyway don't worry you are going to fine. I want to share to you a scripture from the bible that you can reflect on and also ask GOD to grant you the promise that he had given Abraham. (Genesis 15:1).

God Bless You,


Re: David Vollette

Bud! Guys like me get heartattacks, not you! Great to hear you are doing well!