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So it seems like there was no winners dog this year?

Re: WD

Obviously not one with an on line cheering section

Re: WD

WD and BOW was 14mo. old HySpire Singular Sensation from the black 12 to 18 class.

Re: WD

Not sure who he was but a very nice dog.

Re: WD

YEAH Judy, Vonnie & Lisa!! Well Done! Drive safe to Mid Jersey.
Congrats to everyone else as well!

Re: WD

Congratulations, great win, great name!

Re: WD

Are the Hyspire ladies coming to Bare Bones? Would love to see some of the puppies they have been winning with. Like your male and the girl Va Va Boom??

Re: WD

Who was WB?

Re: WD

WB was yesterday:

WB - Belquest One Fine Day at Eagle Bay (out of 12-18 AOC)

Reserve WB - Paradocs Clancy (out of Open Yellow)

Re: WD

I do not have a catalog handy so I cannot give her name but she was very pretty and owned by some really nice people who also have Newfies and are new to Labs. I hope someone with a marked catalog will put more of the results up soon as there were some really nice dogs at this show with a lovely and large entry of specials. Hats off to the agility entrants as they were out in the rain and mud all day running their dogs.

Re: WD

And big Congrats to Judy, Vonnie, and Lisa. I got to chat with Vonnie for a few minutes yesterday, but I didn't get to see the boys today - I hear he's spectacular!

Congratulations again!