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Keeping in touch with pup families

How do you all keep tabs on new pups once they're home? My families send me lots of referalls so I know they are happy but I only get about 2 per litter that send pictures and updates. I like to know how pups' conformation, temperament, biddability, health, etc. is turning out. Do any of you do things proactively so you know these things? TIA

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

Making a phone call goes along way.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

Making a phone call goes along way.

I am always afraid they'll feel I'm bugging them. I am going to give this a try. I really like to see conformation also to see how the one I "almost kept" turned out

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

I usually send emails out on the six month, first year,second year birthdays and so on. I wish them a Happy Birthday......ask how things are going and tell them I would love an update and pictures. I have some puppy families that stay in touch every few months and then others that only respond to my birthday wishes.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

Linda Curpier
I usually send emails out on the six month, first year,second year birthdays and so on. I wish them a Happy Birthday......ask how things are going and tell them I would love an update and pictures. I have some puppy families that stay in touch every few months and then others that only respond to my birthday wishes.

What a lovely way of keeping in touch by saying "Happy Birthday"!
I am going to follow this idea - I won't feel like I'm interfering or bugging pet families.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

I mark down litter birthdays on my calender then send out Happy Birthday E-Cards or Birthday photos of the puppy I kept back in that litter. Though, when the pups out of a litter turn 6 months old, I will email the families to ask how their puppy is doing, any health problems etc . I use this time to ask them to all check their dog's teeth to see if they all came in and if there are any over and or under bites, crooked teeth etc. After the 6 month check in, I will check in at least every year. Most of the families are good about emailing me back once a year but some of them send me photos every couple months with a quick update.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

I used to do the birthday/update letter, too. About 8 years ago I began sending out Christmas Cards with an "annual newsletter" included. I keep it to one page, with brief family updates, but mostly with doggie news from the year.

While the cards are, perhaps, a bit expensive, I've had a lot of families send me current pictures of their pet and/or news of an oldster passing on in January of each new year. Generally, if I don't receive any news back from a family after 5 years, I discontinue sending the cards.

It seems to have worked out well for me, but it might not be for everyone. Since I don't produce very many puppies each year, it's not been that difficult to keep up with.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

First thing I do, is create an email list for each new litter. The lists are all named for the sire & dam. For instance, one list is named "list-CurieChute". When each pup is placed the owners email address is added to the list. I also put the stud owner's email on the list. So I have email address lists for each litter.

Any time I get a picture from someone, I forward it, along with a few words of my own, to everyone on the list. It takes one click to send to all. Everyone enjoys seeing pictures of their dog's littermates. I even send pictures of my keepers to them. That takes a little more thought than hitting "forward", but I manage that once in a while.

In addition to that, I send Jacquie Lawson cards on their birthdays & Christmas. I create repeating reminders on my computer calendar for each litter, so I am reminded 2 days before each birthday comes up. The Jacquie Lawson site has a card history, so I check to make sure I don't send the same card twice.

I just love my computer. I could never do anything like this with my earliest litters.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

As a "pet person", I enjoy hearing from my breeders. I receive birthday cards and I periodically check their websites for news about the "keepers" from the litters that I have puppies from. I also enjoy seeing the successes of the sires and dams in the field and show ring. One of my breeders and I are friends on Facebook. She moved out of state and it is nice to be in touch with her.

At the risk of sounding sappy, I truly appreciate what these two women did in bringing these pups into my life and am forever grateful to them.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

As a "pet person", I enjoy hearing from my breeders. I receive birthday cards and I periodically check their websites for news about the "keepers" from the litters that I have puppies from. I also enjoy seeing the successes of the sires and dams in the field and show ring. One of my breeders and I are friends on Facebook. She moved out of state and it is nice to be in touch with her.

At the risk of sounding sappy, I truly appreciate what these two women did in bringing these pups into my life and am forever grateful to them.

I wish all pup buyers felt the way you do. We all know there are those buyers that keep in constant contact until they take possession of the pup and then you never hear from them again even when you occassionally and nicely ask for updates and pics and explain why you want them.

Re: Keeping in touch with pup families

I have puppy people who are afraid they are bothersome! I tell them I like to hear from them no matter when or where.

We have birthday reunions, and when I close the pool each year I send out a mass invite, telling everyone to bring their puppies. I have a large property with a pond and all summer everyone knows that they are welcome.

I also board all my puppies for free, so that gets some back sometimes too.

My families know they are always welcome when the puppies are here, they truly become family, and that generally continues for the life of their pets.

There are a few that live far away, but I'm glad to say that I've always insisted with a joking 'This just means that you'll need to send lots of pictures and updates' with them when they take the puppy.