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Now that the Nationals are over, I want to thank Barbara Holl, Sharon Grieves, and all the other people who worked tirelessly to make the 2009 Nationals a fun show. Who will forget the Pigeon Plop or the Lab Loot Auction? The wagon was the perfect touch and was used all the time for candids as well as show pictures.

I know we would all like to see our beautiful Labs show outdoors, but I would venture to say that there are very few of us that weren't grateful for a snug, warm, dry area to show during this miserable weather week.

The raffle was AMAZING, and a huge thank you to all those who provided such beautiful, thoughtful donations.

A great job was done, fun was had, we got to see those beautiful dogs we have heard about or seen in print, and perhaps got to show off our own lovely dog.

On to California!!! Great, great job Barb and crew.

Re: Nationals

Congratulations on a great show ladies!

(Although I would rather show outside with my labradors no matter what the weather. Be as it may, they are sporting dogs. They just look better outside.)

Congratulations to all the winners.