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Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

The Exceed Chicken and Rice 30/20, does anyone know how many calories per cup it is?? Don't see it on the bag and can't find it in a search (so far) of the net.

Another question. I usually start the gradual switch of puppies over to a ProPlan adult formula at 16 weeks. The original adult ProPlan C & R never reappeared in our area and my adult dogs did not do well on the Shreds blend (dull coats, looser stools) so I was using the SS & S for a recent litter as well as for adults. The large bags were hard enough to find, seems most stores went to only carrying the 20# bags now, which is not cost effective for us. So I was going to try the Exceed C & R, but now wondering if the 30% crude protein/20% crude fat ratio is too high for a large breed puppy during growth stages. Has anyone used the Exceed C & R for their puppies?

Re: Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

I wouldn't feed my puppies the exceed as the protien is too high for that young puppies. Feed the Purina One or the Pro Plan original C&R to growing pups

Re: Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

I have feed the CR Exceed to pups without detrimental effects. I also have feed regular PP puppy and PP performance to my puppies without detrimental effects. To each their own.

OP If you cannot find the information you are looking for on the bag, I suggest calling the 800 number on the bag. They should be able to easily provide you the info you need.

Re: Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

Feeding Exceed Performance Chic/Rice is way too hot for growing puppies, you will eventually live to regret that decision. Feed the Exceed Lamb and Rice OR something lower in protein to allow puppy to grow slow and lean . After the rapid growth period and the first set of films, then at that age you can put them back on the Chic /Rice , 12 or 18 months.

Re: Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

Going to try the Exceed C & R for the adults and leave the puppies on the ProPlan SS & S. Thank you for the replies! I too thought that 30% protein and 20% fat too high.

Re: Exceed Performance C & R, your experience feeding it to puppies?

Jackie, Black Sands
I wouldn't feed my puppies the exceed as the protien is too high for that young puppies. Feed the Purina One or the Pro Plan original C&R to growing pups

Sorry, what's wrong if the protein is too high?