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dog door for our home for winter months?

We are remodeling our laundry/mud room. There is a dog door there already and our guys come and go through there and into the family room. In the colder months we close the door to the FR and they just stay in there and we open the big door for them to go out. Can anyone suggest a dog door that we can use all year? One with a tight seal for winter months? How are the electronic ones?

Re: dog door for our home for winter months?

This is the one that we've used for about 5 years. It holds up well with heavy use and it has a great seal.

Re: dog door for our home for winter months?

In case you don't get to the right place. The pet door is SmartPet doors. Pricey but they hold up and work great!

Re: dog door for our home for winter months?

I found it--thank you. It looks like I would need the double flap Hale model. To fit in the cut out for the size we have now I think it is $545. Are you using this in your house or a kennel?

Re: dog door for our home for winter months?

What size door are you using?
In inches?


Re: dog door for our home for winter months?

I'm using it in my house. I have the large size which is $179.00. It's in a wall in my laundry room. It's the metal Smart Pet door. (Picture of a german shepard in front) It's been a great door.