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keeping in touch with puppy families, epil research

After reading how many of us send out cards and ask for updates on our puppies:
I'm wondering if some of us who have kept e/m addy's and sent bulk mailings to our puppy families, would it be worth a try to send the info. on the epil. research as well as attach the flyer on the upcoming clinic?
This may be a way to get the word out to so many more who may be willing to submit blood.
I am thinking of doing this, what are your thoughts?

Re: keeping in touch with puppy families, epil research

I don't think that's a great idea.

People read too much into things and that would say to me. "Hi, I have epliepsy in my lines. Thanks for buying that puppy. Oops, did I forget to tell you that before? Sorry. But now can you send in blood please? If your dog isn't seizing yet, it will be."

That may be an extreme example, but you ALL know how puppy pet people are!

Re: keeping in touch with puppy families, epil research

"but you All know how puppy people are" This is an unfair statement, especially to those of us puppy people who did our research and understand the inherent "risks" when adopting a puppy, Lab or not. Please be more careful with your generalizations.