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Bald spot

Today I took my boy for a nice walk at a park, he got a small tick above his eye. I tried to carefully grasp it to pull it out, and couldn't get it. I got my tweezers so I could get a better grip. I asked my boyfriend to hold his head so I could tweeze it out. He took it upon himself to pull it out with his fingers, and also a boatload of hair. He's supposed to be shown at Mid-Jersey in 4 days. What can I do to cover up the bald spot above his eye?

Re: Bald spot

what color dog is he?

Re: Bald spot

Surely it would just be seen as a slight 'war wound'.

It is not something which would worry me in the slightest as as judge

Re: Bald spot

Yank out a chunk of your boyfriends hair and glue it on your dog

Re: Bald spot

If it bothers you that much then just chalk it a bit on the skin.

Re: Bald spot

A small bald spot shouldn't be a problem. My pup was in his first show about a month ago and he had a shaved spot on his front leg from an IV. I almost pulled him because I thought the judge wouldn't take a second look at him. He did fine and took a first place in his class. Judges have dogs and they know the things that can happen that cause hair loss. Try not to worry and just enjoy the show.

Re: Bald spot

My boy is black. I've beentold to use a sharpie? My boyfriend is bald, so I can't grab a chunk of his out ,lol. I still would like to though!

Re: Bald spot

yes if it bothers you a magic marker can be just that at times. It probably won't bother a judge.

Re: Bald spot

I recently got a point on a dog that had his entire neck region shaved because of a monstrous hot spot. We're talking a shaved region that was 6 X 10 inches at least.
It had maybe three weeks growth of hair on it. I wouldn't do anything to a tick bite.