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Dog Flu Shot

I hope this hasn't been brought up before. I heard thru the grapevine at a show over the weekend that the Dog Flu was really getting bad and close to home f(or me). I was told that there is now a Dog Flu vaccine available? Has anyone heard of this? Has anyone given it yet??

Re: Dog Flu Shot

Hi... Yes, there is a vaccine available~ CIV can be had through your vet. I don't believe the public can purchase it yet.

I am doing it for those that are showing(right now, I just have Noah) and in the ones in the field. It won't keep your dog(s) from getting it but it will lessen the impact and you should not lose your dog to it. It is a bad virus.

I spoke w/ a dane person over this past weekend and they lost a 11 month pup to it. It starts out like kennel cough and they thought she was getting better and then it went into her lungs badly and she died of pneumonia which is what this dog flu does.

Re: Dog Flu Shot

I'm someone who won't use anything that hasn't been on the market for awhile, especially vaccines. There are certain companies out there that rush to market without, IMO, proper testing.

In the human market, remember Vioxx and now Gardasil. If the human market is like this, what makes you think they properly test animal products.

I'll wait.