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DERMagic products for skin problems?

Does anyone have any experience with DERMagic products for dog skin issues? A girl in my obedience group has been using it for a foot problem with her BC, and she swears by it.

I see it's West Coast based; anyone out there heard of it? I'm wondering if it's good for hot spots?

Re: DERMagic products for skin problems?

Don't use topical products, use better food.
Something is missing in her diet if she is getting hot spots or has skin issues on a regular basis.

Re: DERMagic products for skin problems?

Don't use topical products, use better food.
Something is missing in her diet if she is getting hot spots or has skin issues on a regular basis.

A combination of good qual or grain-free food-- which this Lab may already be on--- & a topical or natural supplements can help.

How about Apple Cider Vinigar with Mother daily? I heard good stories about it & use it for my girls.