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nude dog shows...up and coming

had the funniest thing happen this week end at a dog show
out door show and grooming area under livestock barn.
it was hot as H E double hockey stick with heat index at 100, very high humidity.
handlers and dogs alike where dripping sweat and panting. The big hairy dogs stayed in AC cars or crashed on AC bathroom floors till their turn.

Show grounds started to buzz and the men were moving towards the grooming area with camera phones out.
seems a 40 year old women decided it was much cooler to groom her yorkie in the nude.
skirt and grooming apron (very loosely tied) were her attire. She did not flinch from the attention and seemed a bit annoyed with show personally insisted she get dressed.
New advertisement,.... come to the nude review dog shows

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Thank doG she was only grooming. I had visions of classes in the ring with handlers in the nuddy.

All those jiggly bits would certainly distract the Labradors from the bait, which , incidentally would be kinda difficult to carry

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

"jiggly bits" LMAO

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Not to mention someone could loose an eye!

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

There are places to keep bait - be creative.

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Hasn't anyone ever told you that "Crack Kills"??

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Some people will do anything to win.

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Not me...I wouldn't want to step on anything hanging and trip and fall. There's alot to be said for a great support bra!

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

Hey stop talking about me like that.

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

some of our judges are quite old there could be great chance of heart attacks! Died from the site of jiggly bits!!

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

You all have given me a laugh and I sure needed it. What a hoot. My mind running away with each picture you posed. Yes, "the girls" can bounce to their own beat. Not a pretty site.

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

It kinda makes you wonder what the 'Handlers' would be arranging first.

Sorry to all you handlers out there, I just couldn't resist

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

thanks for brightening my day with the funnies

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

I was discussing this rather hilarious thread with a friend who was wondering where the Saint Bernard handlers would hang their 'spitty cloths'

Re: nude dog shows...up and coming

I could easily tuck my under any various folds and it would stay put.