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Droopy Eyes

Has anyone here ever had a few pups in a litter that have droopy eyes... really bad when they are sleepy or just wake up? They are normal when they are wide awake.

They actually look like bloodhound eyes at times.

Both parents are great reps of the breed.

Will they outgrow this?

Re: Droopy Eyes

I know I haven't.....

Re: Droopy Eyes

Lynn ~ It sounds like the puppies have "Haw Eyes."
And your description of 'bloodhound' eyes is a good and correct description. I have not experienced this in my guys so I do not know if yours will out grow it or not. Perhaps others will chime in.

Re: Droopy Eyes

I have a champion girl who has a bit of a droopy eye - not like a Bloodhound, though. She was like that at 8 weeks and she was so nice I had to keep her. Her eyes (when she is perky) are fine. I found that as she grew, the eyes tightened, but they are not as tight as most of the other dogs.

Re: Droopy Eyes

I did some research on the net on "haw eyes" and I think mine have a pigmented 3rd eyelid as opposed to a true haw eye.

Is a pigmented 3rd eye lid a fault?

Re: Droopy Eyes

This is sometimes a serious issue, called ectropian. A lot of breeders have this issue and do nothing about it. Often times a small tac can be done to the eye. But it is still a serious issue. Genetic.

Re: Droopy Eyes

serious issue
This is sometimes a serious issue, called ectropian. A lot of breeders have this issue and do nothing about it. Often times a small tac can be done to the eye. But it is still a serious issue. Genetic.

I just read about it. I guess you would not want to keep a beautiful dog in a breeding program that has this...even if mild?

This has turned out to be much more serious than lazy eyes to me now.

Is it hereditary?

Re: Droopy Eyes

Lynn ??????

I saw a yellow dog win WD at a specialty that had just had surgery for entropian and was tearing all down his face.

I had to wonder why this well known breeder judge would put him up.

This has turned out to be much more serious than lazy eyes to me now.

Is it hereditary?

No idea who you are talking about, but the surgery would have made him ineligible to be shown. It should be reported to the AKC.

And yes, it's hereditary.

Re: Droopy Eyes

Lynn ??????

I saw a yellow dog win WD at a specialty that had just had surgery for entropian and was tearing all down his face.

I had to wonder why this well known breeder judge would put him up.

This has turned out to be much more serious than lazy eyes to me now.

Is it hereditary?

No idea who you are talking about, but the surgery would have made him ineligible to be shown. It should be reported to the AKC.

And yes, it's hereditary.

What do you mean it should be reported to the AKC? I have never heard of such a thing! I have done entropian surgery on a lab, and I never reported it to AKC. It's none of their business. This dog was not shown.

Re: Droopy Eyes

Has anyone here ever had a few pups in a litter that have droopy eyes... really bad when they are sleepy or just wake up? They are normal when they are wide awake.

They actually look like bloodhound eyes at times.

Both parents are great reps of the breed.

Will they outgrow this?

How old are these pups you are talking about?

Re: Droopy Eyes

Oh my much advice without even seeing the puppy. Do yourself a favor and take your puppy to an ACVO vet for an opinion. Does the puppy have alot of loose skin? It may just need to grow. Unless there is irritation then just sit tight and let the dog grow up.

Re: Droopy Eyes

Oh my much advice without even seeing the puppy. Do yourself a favor and take your puppy to an ACVO vet for an opinion. Does the puppy have alot of loose skin? It may just need to grow. Unless there is irritation then just sit tight and let the dog grow up.

I agree have a opthamologist make the call for you. I have had at least two pups with saggy rims and by 6 months they were nice and tight, just had alot of skin as little guys

Re: Droopy Eyes

My ACVO won't make the call till after 28 months when the last growth plates in the head close.

Re: Droopy Eyes

I'm going to see the eye doc next week.
But thanks for the insight about something I never knew existed.

Re: Droopy Eyes


No idea who you are talking about, but the surgery would have made him ineligible to be shown. It should be reported to the AKC.

And yes, it's hereditary.

What do you mean it should be reported to the AKC? I have never heard of such a thing! I have done entropian surgery on a lab, and I never reported it to AKC. It's none of their business. This dog was not shown.

Umm - have you ever read the rules about showing dogs? If a dog has surgery that changes the appearance, then they can no longer be shown. Entropian is a surgery that disqualifies a dog from being shown! If the AKC found out about it, they would take the award away from the dog and give it to the Reserve Winner's Dog!

Rules Applying to Dog Shows: Chapter 11,

SECTION 8. A dog which is blind, deaf, castrated,
spayed, or which has been changed in appearance by
artificial means except as specified in the standard forits breed...may not compete at any show and will be disqualified....

Procedures that would in and of themselves be considered a change in appearance by artificial means and make a dog ineligible for shows include, but are not limited to:
1. The correction of entropion, ectropian, trichiasis or
2. Trimming, removing or tattooing of the third eyelid
(nicitating membrane)
3. The insertion of an eye prosthesis
4. Correction of harelip, cleft palate, stenotic nares, or
an elongated soft palate resection
5. Any procedure to change ear set or carriage other
than permitted by the breed standard
6. Restorative dental procedures, the use of bands or
braces on teeth, or any alteration of the dental arcade
7. The removal of excess skin folds or the removal of
skin patches to alter markings
8. Correction of inguinal, scrotal or perineal hernias
9. Surgery for hip dysplasia, O.C.D., patellar luxation
and femoral head restriction
10. Alteration of the location of the testes or the insertion
of an artificial testicle
11. Altering the set or carriage of the tail