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BB Stud Dogs

Can we start a list of BB Stud dogs? Thanks

Re: BB Stud Dogs


Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch. Nip'ntuck Hyspire Unforgettable "Nat"
Ch. Beechcroft Study's Top Secret "James"
Dickendall Davaron Amigo "Amigo"

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch. Skyes Riverlane's Token Republican ( 99 % sure he is BB ) George also has a litter brother named Rosie who is BB
CH. Beechcroft Study's Top Secret
MBISS Am/Can CH Nipntuck Yell King...belonging to :

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Hollyhill's King of the Road
Can CH Hollyhill's American Idol
CH Mt Meadow Black Eye Affair
Am/Can CH Tabatha's Hunterleigh Timber

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Boradors By George

Re: BB Stud Dogs


Re: BB Stud Dogs

Robin Wiscoys

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch. Shalane Fly By Knight

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Proof positive never believe what you read here!!
The sheer amount of misinformation given on this forum never ceases to amaze me

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch. Shalane Fly By Knight

i second that his get is young but he has ALOT to offer esp pedigree wise

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Yes! Love my Hawk kids. Forgot he was BB.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Boradors By George

Did you read the question?

Re: BB Stud Dogs

I was wondering the same thing. Buzz, too. What I am looking for is a black dog that carries only black. Thanks for the great ideas so far! There are a few there I never even thought of.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Borador by George-BBG:).

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch Withara Brodies Souvenir

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Dickendall Davaron Gitano

Re: BB Stud Dogs

CH Hollyhill Delby's Samuel Adams
Kai Den’s Stormy Affair RN CGC TDI
CH Sheabourne’s Field of Dreams
Dickendall Davaron Amigo
CH Winnie’s Trofe JH WC
BISS CH Dos Rios Aim High
Withara’s Sarah’s Lovely Robin
Carpenny Scenario

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Jackie, Black Sands
Dickendall Davaron Gitano

Is he still in the states?

Re: BB Stud Dogs

I have no idea, I used him almost 5 years ago, you would have to write Manolo to find that out. I was smart when I used him I bought 2 breedings from him of frozen semen which I still have one breeding left and own and will use on the right bitch in the future

Jackie, Black Sands
Dickendall Davaron Gitano

Is he still in the states?

Re: BB Stud Dogs

BB means dominant black?

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Yep, you should familiarize yourself with the letters expression of Labrador colors.

EEBB, the "EE" part indicates NO yellow, for a dominant black, it is often shortened to just BB, because the EE is superfluous. Please see the beautiful chart (linked above) that is on the Blueknight site, for more explanation.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

BISS AM., CAN. CH. Waifin's Wing and a Prayer

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Ch. Shalane Fly By Knight

i second that his get is young but he has ALOT to offer esp pedigree wise

Are you saying he hasn't prove himself as a stud just because his get is young?

He is stunning, so as his puppies!

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Here is an idea , call his breeder. Have you looked at the puppies out of him on his website?

Re: BB Stud Dogs

Gitano is in Mexico at this time.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

I am the owner of CH Sheabourne's Field of Dreams. He is not at stud - never was. He is our wonderful family pet.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

His daughter just went RWB at Mid Jersey,, and his son is a Specialty WD/BOW , more to come.

Re: BB Stud Dogs

All right Hawk!, way to go!! What a stud!!!

He is beautiful and his kids too!