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Have you checked your email?

Mixed Breeds Welcome!
AKC's new program for mixed-breed dogs, AKC Canine Partners, is now open for business. If you have a mixed-breed dog you'd like to enroll in this program—giving him the chance to compete in stand-alone obedience, rally, and agility events—go to! In addition to event eligibility, owners enrolling in AKC Canine Partners will receive lifetime enrollment in the AKC CAR Lost and Found recovery service, a one-year subscription to AKC FAMILY DOG, an AKC Canine Partners decal and a frameable certificate of recognition! Go to to sign up today!

Re: Have you checked your email?

Yes, I got that email today as well, and knew immediatley that there would be a post about it on this very forum...

If you're thinking this encourages mix breeding or designer dogs, I agree that wouldn't be good.

That said, I also don't think what they are doing is wrong. They are NOT registering mixed breeds, NOR are they allowing for any kind of mix breed conformation assesment, etc. ALL they are doing is allowing these dogs to compete in fun events that encourage good training and bonding with your dog. What's wrong with that???

Mutts are dogs too, and I think many of us have owned or fallen in love with some. Besides, maybe they'll use some of the extra income generated by these mix breed agility and obedience competitions to fight crazy dog law legislation and the works of PETA. Come on, let's not blow this out of preportion here...

Allowing mix breeds to compete in certain events in a class of their own does not compromise the integrity of purebreds or their competitions. It's a seperate thing altogether. The only thing they have in common is the love of dogs.

Re: Have you checked your email?

Lol, I realize my responce had a somewhat defensive tone to it, and that the OP never even made a comment on the subject, but merely copyed and pasted the email from the AKC. I guess, knowing this forum as I do, I could forsee that some would jump in and think that it's just aweful that the AKC would have anything to do with a mixed breed aside from their foundation stock service, and that assumption was made obvious in my repsonce. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say, cause I know sooner or later someone would point out that my reaction was jumping the gun a bit :)

Re: Have you checked your email?

I got the e-mail too. I had heard it was coming sometime back. Just a way to make money for them and yes lets hope they would use it to fight peta....

Re: Have you checked your email?

I too think it is a great thing for all of the sweet mutts that people have and love. Lord knows thats all I had growing up. I also worry that this will be a way for the cockapoo's and labradoodles to get some titles on their dogs and make them seem more a part of AKC as well.

Re: Have you checked your email?

That's also my concern, the purposely cross-bred dogs can now be showcased. Spectators will see the cute little Doodle doing his sit stays and will want one just like it
I know it is impossible, but I wish it could be limited to rescued dogs only.

Re: Have you checked your email?

So what if these dogs get OB or Rally titles at stand alone events that offer this class? I know plenty of people with nice pedigreed dogs that can't get their butts off the couch long enough to train and put a Rally Novice title on their dog.

Not that I support the purposeful mixed dog breeding that goes on, but heck if these folks actually want to get out, train their dogs, and compete, why are we getting so pissy?

Re: Have you checked your email?

how is this any different than a dog that could get an IP number and complete in obedience?

Re: Have you checked your email?

To get the ILP number, the dog has to be neutered/spayed. Does anyone know if a mixed-breed dog has to be neutered/spayed prior to participation in these events? Seems like that would be a way to discourage mutt-breeders from getting titles on dogs, then breeding them and marketing AKC titles.

Re: Have you checked your email?

"3. Who is eligible to participate in the AKC Canine Partners Listing Program?
The AKC Canine Partners program is for spayed/neutered dogs (wolf hybrids are not
permitted) that are not currently eligible for AKC registration..."