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white in throw up

I have a 3 year old girl who is very active, playful and eats great. She has had no change in the way she acts. However about a month ago she was standing by me and threw up a small amount of clear with some milk looking fluid in it. Did not think much of it because she has not been sick. Well then a week or so later she did the same thing. Still didn't think much of it. So now I think i have seen her do it about 5 times in the last month and was talking to hubby and he said he has seen her do it a few times too. Vet says not temp, eating good, playing good, so no idea.

Re: white in throw up

could be bile - if so, not good because that is associated with a torsion.

Re: white in throw up

since Labradors tend to eat things they are not supposed to, she may just have an upset tummy. If she seems healthy otherwise, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Keep in touch with your Vet and take her back in if she seems worse.

Re: white in throw up

If bile this can also be a sign of something she ate that her body can not digest and is trying to bring back up.

Has she gotten into anything? Garbage, etc.?

Do you feed raw hides or the like?

If it continues you may want to consider an x-ray to be sure there is nothing stuck in her stomach.

Hoping it clears up and all is fine.

Re: white in throw up

Bile vomitus is yellow.

Re: white in throw up

Bile vomitus is yellow.
You're correct.

White vomitus is usually foamy appearing and not bile. I've also seen green tinged yellow bile in liver or gallbladder patients but white is not bile.

Re: white in throw up

If bile this can also be a sign of something she ate that her body can not digest and is trying to bring back up.

Has she gotten into anything? Garbage, etc.?

Do you feed raw hides or the like?

If it continues you may want to consider an x-ray to be sure there is nothing stuck in her stomach.

Hoping it clears up and all is fine.

Speak to your vet please, you'll get many opinions on a board that may not be medically correct. All breeders are not medically trained yet act like they are by suggesting tests.

If your vet doesn't know what is wrong maybe you need to see a gastro specialist if this continues. I hope she gets better soon.