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Supplements to help coat grow back in?

I am currently fostering a 2-year-old black female lab for rescue. I've had her for a little over 2 months and for the last 3 weeks or so, she's been shedding like crazy! It's to the point now that her coat is so sparse in some areas, you can see the skin underneath. Mostly in her neck and chest area, and a little on her back legs. I've had bitches go through this after having a litter of pups, but she has not had a litter recently. I know giving omega 3/6 helps skin and coat, but is there one that's better than others as far as getting the coat to grow back more quickly? Or some other type of supplement? She's been in rescue for about 3 months total now and I would hate to see someone pass her up because they think there's something wrong with her. TIA!

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

Has she been checked by the vet??? Best confirm what you may or may not be dealing with before trying any supplements. Good luck on finding her a great home & tks for helping!

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

No, not for this. I figured she was just blowing her coat when it first started. She's not itching, her skin looks fine and it isn't falling out in clumps or anything like that. It's just been 3 weeks of excessive (for her) shedding. I thought I would try adding something to her food and if that didn't help, take her to the vet. I did tell the rescue and they said to take her in if it didn't start getting better in the next week or two.

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

Any changes that could cause stress??? Big weather change perhaps??? Other than good food & time, I don't have any suggestions if medically she checks out. I know some believe raw eggs help with coats - could be worth a try.

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

sometimes when a dog is on a poor diet and you switch over to a better healthy life the body will detox, hair included. She is probably getting ready to give you a beautiful coat.
There is a reciepe out there "grown hair on a door knob" that may help her out :O)

nice that you are caring.

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

I would maybe consider having her Thyroid levels tested (if not done already). Sending to Michigan State U is the best.

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

Hi Melissa
If there isn't a medical issue you might try sardines - I give my crew a fish a day. Show Stopper is good too and you can order online.

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

sometimes when a dog is on a poor diet and you switch over to a better healthy life the body will detox, hair included. She is probably getting ready to give you a beautiful coat.
There is a reciepe out there "grown hair on a door knob" that may help her out :O)

nice that you are caring.

This is what I was going to say. Being a rescue you are no doubt taking care of her in a way her body and system is not used to. I bet she's blowing out all the bad and will have a nice coat. I have had my girls blow coat so badly I have seen spots like you are describing.

Good luck

Re: Supplements to help coat grow back in?

You could try

Mix oatmeal
sardines 1 can
jack mackeral 1 can
ground beef 1 pound
flour 2 cups
lard 1/4 stick
4 eggs

juice from roast beef or chicken stock or stew
mix together, put in muffin tins.
Put in refridgerator/cooler, give to dog with their meal .
This also helps with active dogs who need weight, but then give to them at night time before bedding down.