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SynoviG3 discontinued

I rec'd an e-mail from pet suppy company indicating that SynoviG3 has been discontinued giving the impression that the product is not safe??? Has anyone heard of this or is this a marketing scheme?

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

My vets were advised a month or so back that they weren't making the large buckets anymore - nothing about it not being safe.

Here's what the website says: "SynoviG3 Products are currently on an indefinite backorder situation from its manufacturer. We apologize for this unfortunate situation and will resume selling once released."

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

I believe SynoviG3 is made by DVM pharmaceuticals, which has been shut down by the FDA.

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

Thats bad news! I have 2 large tubs unopened that I am not going to use. The dog they were for is no longer with us. I really liked the product.

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

I use it too. I just bought the last 2 tubs from my vet. He said the company was shut down, but he felt there was nothing wrong with that product.

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

I have used SynoviG3 for my dog for years. Was disappointed to know it is being pulled.
I just returned my last bucket of SynoviG3 to my vet. There is another product very similar manufactured by a completely different company. It is called ZOOM Canine Wellness Soft Chews. Has some additional Gluocosamine, Condroitin, & MSN. The manufacturer is Animal Pharmaceuticals
I started my girl on it tonight. Hope she does as well or better with this new product.

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

Here is a link to the actual FDA report. I couldn't find Synovi mentioned, but there are numerous other products.

Re: SynoviG3 discontinued

I have been using a product called Dogzymes Phyto Flex CCM Plus with great success. It comes either in capsule form or powder (I use the powder since it is cheaper). Please see .