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Combining threads-protein and calcium

Distilling questions brought up in the Halo and Orijen threads. In terms of the theory of protein percentages, calcium percentages in food and growth problems in puppies: can anyone point to a reliable reference, article etc? I have heard lots of anecdotes one way and the other (for example, high protein diet may cause panno), but would like to read any studies that might be out there (if there are any).

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

If you do a search on this forum, you may find some references to studies, etc. I know this has been discussed before here. Here's one to check out:

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

Interesting site! Thanks, CM!

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium


Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

If you do a search on this forum, you may find some references to studies, etc. I know this has been discussed before here. Here's one to check out:

The link you posted is not a study at all. This is just one person's opinion based on that persons rationale. This is not proof that high protein does not produce problems in puppies.

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

I never said it was - just info FYI.

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

This begs the question: is there any actual research or is it all personal opinion?

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

Try this one.

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

This is just for information, but there is alot here and I personally know of at least 5 dogs she's helped that had severe growth issues.

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium

If you don't like the info/links provided, perhaps you can do some searching on your own to answer your questions. Pls share what you find and in the meantime, if you are uncertain about the high protein question, stay with what you're doing now until that's resolved.

Re: Combining threads-protein and calcium