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normal pup height

I know different lines grow at different rates, but I have a 14 week old pup that looks great except appears too tall for age to me. She is 14 inches at the withers at this point. What range do you think is normal for 14 weeks?

Re: normal pup height

Look for correct balance rather than concern yourself with how tall a puppy may be. They'll go through lots of growing pains and may look gawky at times, but if the balance between leg and body remains good you'll have a pleasing picture. Of course, after that, you'll want to see good structure, breed type and all the rest. It's along road. Don't give up too soon.

Re: normal pup height

This was brought up about 2 mo. ago. No one answered the questions about girls. They might not again.

Your girl sounds fine for her age, she's still a baby.
