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When was the last time someone here received their results from Ingen? I am still waiting for PRA results and EIC results from August And forget emailing as their superb customer service and 'more bang for your buck' went down the tubes, as you cannot get a hold of anyone

Re: Ingen

I, too, am waiting for additional test results. I got the PRA results but was promised EIC. I have emailed them 3 times about it and they have not responded.

I suspect that the whole business might be imploding because of their law suit. They were extremely responsive before they went to the new testing platform.

Re: Ingen

Are they sending results via snail mail? I'm not sure they do. Go online and you can find the status of your tests. They may have been done & are up there.

Re: Ingen

I have been waiting now 7 weeks for my prcd and EIC results. They still do not have it recorded as received by them although they modified my records online with info from the form I sent with the sample. Records were modified on 8/31 so I am counting that as the day they did receive them although they don't.

I am starting to have a lot of doubt and hope I have not just wasted $100.

IF anyone has received results in the last few weeks, I would also like to know.

Re: Ingen

Been checking the website daily for my results. Also the FAQ on their website says they will email you when results are up online.

Re: Ingen

Are they sending results via snail mail? I'm not sure they do. Go online and you can find the status of your tests. They may have been done & are up there.

I have used them in the past, I know their process. No the results are not in my customer portal.

Re: Ingen

I got my PRA results in mid September, but I am still waiting on the EIC results. I have also emailed them with no response.

Re: Ingen

Add me to the list of people waiting for PRA results. Sent in mid August. Results were to be available by Sept 20th and no word. Emails go unanswered and if you call you get a recording that says to send an email. I used them because I thought all their bugs were worked out with the new and improved system! Definatly will think twice before using them again!

Re: Ingen

Nothing here either, no results, no phone calls, no emails, I logg in every day and nothing.

But optigen costs three times more.

I will never use Ingen again.

Re: Ingen

It says on their website that they will give a full refund (minus shipping and handling) if they have not completed the tests within 45 days. I would think that would be enough to get a fire under them - they can't make money if they are giving refunds left and right.

Re: Ingen

Optigen is running one of their 25% off "specials" in November. I believe it's the second week. I thought about using Ingen but I'm going to use Optigen now. I thought maybe Ingen had their bugs worked out but it sounds like they don't. I've also heard of people getting incorrect Ingen results. Thanks for the heads up.

Re: Ingen

Good luck getting a hold of them to get your refund when it's been more than 45 days! Refund probably doesn't hold much water at this point.

Re: Ingen

"I've also heard of people getting incorrect Ingen results. "

Now that is a new one Have to be honest as far as results, everyone I have spoken with says its the SAME results as using any other company. Can anyone back up the quote above with their own personal experience?

Re: Ingen

I've been waiting since August also for my results, and no response to emails. Previously results came quickly and fast replys to e-mails.

Re: Ingen

There is a link to their Facebook account on the front page of their website. Why don't you head over there and each announce your difficulties? Maybe they read that.

Others that go to their Facebook site will know there's a large problem and not use them, at least until this is all straightened out.

I was going to use them later this fall, I won't be after reading this.

Re: Ingen

I meant to insert this in my above post. According to their site, this is Rick Dobbins Facebook account. Rick has it posted publicly, no reason not to use it.

The fact that you can't contact anyone at INGEN means it's time to do anything that will spark them to reply to you. I think it's a better way to let Rick know something is very wrong within his company.

Re: Ingen

Its been over a week since I was told my results would be in by the end of the week (10/23). Just curious if anyone has heard anything

Re: Ingen

It appears that Ingen's website is not working today either. Hopefully this is a temporary problem that will be corrected quickly.
