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I have a six months old male has been limping in rear for 2 weeks. I took him to the vet Friday and everything looked great (of corse wouldn't limp for anything). He was poked, proded nothing. But x-rays looked good. Starting Sunday is now really limping in the front. Assume pano since has been locked up for the last week. Are there any suggestions that any one can give that might help. Been a long time since delt with this. Thanks in advance.

Re: Pano

What about Lyme?

Re: Pano

Try going to a low protein diet.

Re: Pano

x-rays usually show pano, I know in my 5 mos old boy it did. He was first lame in the back, then the front, it is also referred to as wandering lameness because it does travel.
He was put on a maint food with less protein/fat, given ascriptin for pain and put on crate rest and leash walks.
His took months to clear but he was loaded with bone and, it ran in his lines.

Re: Pano

I've read that the low protein diet is not necessarily a solution to this. I have given vitamin C to treat pano and found it to help. Crate rest is important too. Pano does not always show up on x ray.