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LRCP 4/10 judges?

I can't remember the rumor of judges for 2010 spring? TIA

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

The rumor is true.

There will be judges!

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

It's irritating that the judges haven't been announced when they've certainly been invited and accepted long since. It would be nice to dispense with trying to build excitement by keeping them secret, and just go on and announce them already.

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

The club can be fined by the AKC for announcing judges that haven't been approved yet. Paperwork obviously hasn't been completed. Chill.

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

There is one more step, and that is AKC approval of the judges panel. I am sure they 'in process' and we will hear the official word shortly.

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

The judges are going to be kept secret, cones will be removed from the parking lot, all the rooms at the hotel have already been booked, and it will snow everyday of the show. Since everything seems to be the fault of the host club and intended simply to irritate....Anything else to get irritated about?

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

The paperwork has been sent in & we have a full panel of wonderful judges. We are waiting for final approval from the AKC and hopefully we will have the approval in the next couple of days. So stay tuned!

Cheryl Little

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

hooligan you nailed it!!

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

Can't wait!
The rumor is true.

There will be judges!

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

So wht you are saying is the judges have been coned off so they can't accept another assignment?

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

Haven't you ever heard of "Pending AKC Approval"? It's done all the time. And yes, I've been a show chairman, yada yada yada.

Re: LRCP 4/10 judges?

Yes! We'll all miss our flights!